Plant pests definition
Examples of Plant pests in a sentence
Plant pests, biological control organisms, and soil may be hand-carried into the United States only in accordance with the provisions of this section.
Plant pests so moved by mail may be refused entry unless the containers thereof bear such labels.
Plant pests and diseases are spreading through trade or other humanmigrated movements, environmental forcessuch as weather and wind, and insects or other vector borne pathogens.
Plant pests and diseases threaten Queensland’s agriculture, environment and economy.
Plant pests and diseases can cause considerable impacts on crop yields, and in turn food and feed security.
Plant pests shall include invasive plants, noxious weeds, insect pests, and plant diseases (including infected plant tissue).
Plant pests could destroy livelihoods, communities, economies and leave millions without food to eat.
Plant pests ravaged 1,270 hectares of paddy fields in 2009 (PDA, 2013).
Plant pests include foreign noxious weeds such as hogweed and insects such as long-horned beetles related to the Asian long-horned beetle that has caused millions of dollars in losses in numerous communities in the United States.
Plant pests have the potential to cause significant economic losses in many vegetable crops.