Tract means 2 or more parcels that share a common property line and are under the same ownership.
Finished Lots Entitled Land with respect to which (a) development has been completed to such an extent that permits to allow use and construction, including building, sanitary sewer and water, are entitled to be obtained for a Unit on such Entitled Land and (b) start of construction has not occurred.
Parcel means an identifiable unit of land that is treated as separate for valuation or zoning purposes.
Acre or “Acreage” means the land area of an Assessor’s Parcel as shown on an Assessor’s Parcel Map, or if the land area is not shown on an Assessor’s Parcel Map, the land area shown on the applicable Final Map or other parcel map recorded at the County Recorder’s Office.
Acre-foot – means the amount of water necessary to cover one acre of land one foot deep, or 325,851 gallons of water.
Water well means an excavation that is drilled, cored, bored, augered, washed, driven, dug, jetted, or otherwise constructed for the purpose of exploring for groundwater, monitoring groundwater, utilizing the geothermal properties of the ground, or extracting water from or injecting water into the aquifer. “Water well” does not include an open ditch or drain tiles or an excavation made for obtaining or prospecting for oil, natural gas, minerals, or products mined or quarried.
Loan Property means any property in which the applicable party (or a subsidiary of it) holds a security interest and, where required by the context, includes the owner or operator of such property, but only with respect to such property.
Interior of the dwelling unit means the inside of the dwelling unit, consisting of interior walls,
Unimproved Land means land on which no development (other than improvements that are not material and are temporary in nature) has occurred.
Through lot means a property bounded on two opposite sides by two or more streets;
Harvest lot means a specifically identified quantity of marijuana that is, cultivated utilizing the same growing practices and harvested within a 72 hour period at the same location and cured under uniform conditions.
stacked townhouse means a building, other than a townhouse or apartment building, containing at least 3 dwelling units, each dwelling unit being separated from the other vertically and/or horizontally, and each dwelling unit having an entrance to grade shared with no more than 3 other units;
Lots means all or any machinery and other items sold or intended to be sold in accordance with these conditions; “Purchaser” means a person, firm or Company who purchase any Lot;
Dwelling unit means a single unit providing complete, independent living facilities for one or more persons, including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking and sanitation.
Apartment Dwelling means any dwelling unit within a building containing more than four dwelling units where the units are connected by an interior corridor;
Timber Sale Area means the area or areas designated as such on Exhibit A and located on the ground by reference to legal subdivisions, monuments, natural land features, improvements, or sale boundary signs. Down Timber is defined as timber that is down as of the date of this contract, as determined by STATE.
Corner Lot means a Lot situated at the intersection of and abutting upon two Streets, or upon two parts of the same Street, the adjacent sides of which Street or Streets, (or, in the case of a curved corner, the tangents at the Street extremities of the Side Lot Lines) contain an angle of not more than 135 degrees. In the case of a curved corner, the corner of the Building Lot shall be that point on the Lot Line abutting a Street nearest to the point of intersection of the said tangents.
single detached dwelling unit means a residential building consisting of one dwelling unit and not attached to another structure;
semi-detached dwelling means a building divided vertically into two dwelling units each of which has a separate entrance and access to grade;
Water Surface Elevation (WSE means the height, in relation to NAVD 1988, of floods of various magnitudes and frequencies in the floodplains of riverine areas.
apartment building means a residential use building, or the residential use portion of a mixed-use building, other than a townhouse or stacked townhouse containing four or more dwelling units each of which shall have access to above grade common halls, stairs, elevators, and yards;
Townhouse means a building, other than a plex, stacked townhouse or apartment building, containing at least 3 dwelling units, each dwelling unit separated vertically from the other by a party wall and each dwelling unit having a separate entrance to grade;
Residential Dwelling Unit means any portion of a building that contains living facilities, including a room or rooms in a facility that have shared cooking, bathing, toilet, or laundry facilities such as dormitories, shelters, assisted living facilities, and boarding homes. "Residential dwelling unit" also means facilities that include provisions for sleeping, cooking, bathing, and toilet facilities for one or more persons and are used for extended stays, such as time-shares and extended-stay motels. "Residential dwelling unit" does not mean a guest room in a motel or hotel.
Unimproved Real Property means Property in which the Company has an equity interest that was not acquired for the purpose of producing rental or other operating income, that has no development or construction in process and for which no development or construction is planned, in good faith, to commence within one (1) year.
Single-family dwelling unit means a structure that is usually occupied by just one household or family and for the purposes of this Policy is expected to generate an average of 250 gallons per day of wastewater.