Examples of Police Staff in a sentence
Post-Employment Benefits Police officers and police staff, including PCSOs have the option of belonging to one of two separate pension schemes relevant to them: • Police Pension Scheme (PPS) for Police Officers.• Local Government Pensions Scheme (LGPS) for Police Staff administered by Worcestershire County Council.
As part of the terms and conditions of employment the Group offers retirement benefits for Police Officers and Police Staff.
Professional fees incurred by the beneficiary for representation by an appointed representative at an investigation by the Independent Office for Police Conduct, provided that the beneficiary is a Police Staff member at the time at which the investigation occurs.
Metropolitan Police Staff Welfare Fund (MPSWF)This registered charity provides financial assistance to members and past members of police staff, their families and dependants who are in need.
Participation in Pension SchemesAs part of the terms and conditions of employment of its Police Officers and Police Staff, the Group offers retirement benefits which are normally payable on retirement.
The Police Pension Scheme, for Police Officers and the Greater Gwent (Torfaen) Local Government Pension Scheme, for Police Staff.
Post-Employment Benefits Police officers and police staff, including PCSOs have the option of belonging to one of two separate pension schemes relevant to them: • Police Pension Scheme (PPS) for Police Officers.• Local Government Pensions Scheme (LGPS) for Police Staff administered by Warwickshire County Council.
Pension payments to former members of Police Staff are funded through an employer’s contribution to the West Midlands Metropolitan Authorities Superannuation Fund (the LGPS), administered by Wolverhampton City Council.
As part of the terms and conditions of employment the PCC Group offers retirement benefits for Police Officers and Police Staff.
We have engaged the Governments Actuary’s Department to provide the Group with expert advice about the assumptions to be applied for the Police Pension Schemes and Hymans Robertson LLP provides the same advice for the Police Staff Pension Scheme.The effects on the net pension liability of changes in individual assumptions can be measured.However, the assumptions interact in complex ways.