Support Staff The College shall designate a clerical person on each campus whose primary responsibility will be to perform clerical duties related to workload assignments for Employees. Faculty assignments to the clerical person shall be given priority over non- faculty assignments. Any conflicts shall be reported to the Chief Academic Officer or to an academic officer of the College who holds the rank of Campus Director or higher. Employees will be notified of the identity of this person and the clerical person will be notified.
Office and Support Staff During the Employment Period, the Executive shall be entitled to an office or offices of a size and with furnishings and other appointments, and to exclusive personal secretarial and other assistance, at least equal to the most favorable of the foregoing provided to the Executive by the Company and its affiliated companies at any time during the 120-day period immediately preceding the Effective Date or, if more favorable to the Executive, as provided generally at any time thereafter with respect to other peer executives of the Company and its affiliated companies.
Project Staff Contractor shall appoint to the Project Staff: (i) individuals with suitable training and skills to provide the Work, and (ii) sufficient staffing to adequately provide the Work. Contractor shall make commercially reasonable efforts consistent with sound business practices to honor the specific request of the JBE with regard to assignment of its employees. The JBE may require Contractor to remove any personnel from the Project Staff that interact with any personnel of the Judicial Branch Entities or JBE Contractors (including, without limitation, the Contractor Project Manager) upon providing to Contractor a reason (permitted by law) for such removal. Contractor may, with the JBE’s consent, continue to retain such member of the Project Staff in a role that does not interact with any personnel of the Judicial Branch Entities or
MINISTRY/SCHOOL BOARD INITIATIVES ETFO will be an active participant in the consultation process to develop a Ministry of Education PPM regarding Ministry/School Board Initiatives.
Alignment with Modernization Foundational Programs and Foundational Capabilities The activities and services that the LPHA has agreed to deliver under this Program Element align with Foundational Programs and Foundational Capabilities and the public health accountability metrics (if applicable), as follows (see Oregon’s Public Health Modernization Manual, (xxxx:// ual.pdf): a. Foundational Programs and Capabilities (As specified in Public Health Modernization Manual) b. The work in this Program Element helps Oregon’s governmental public health system achieve the following Public Health Accountability Metric, Health Outcome Measure: c. The work in this Program Element helps Oregon’s governmental public health system achieve the following Public Health Accountability Metric, Local Public Health Process Measure:
Initial Decision Maker The Architect will serve as the Initial Decision Maker pursuant to Article 15 of AIA Document A201–2017, unless the parties appoint below another individual, not a party to this Agreement, to serve as the Initial Decision Maker.
Training and Education SECTION 1 – Law Enforcement Supervisors’ Training
Synchronization, Commissioning and Commercial Operation 4.1.1 The Power Producer shall give at least fifteen (15) days written notice to the SLDC / ALDC / DISCOM as the case may be, of the date on which it intends to synchronize the Power Project to the Grid System. 4.1.2 Subject to Article 4.1.1, the Power Project may be synchronized by the Power Producer to the Grid System when it meets all the connection conditions prescribed in the Grid Code and otherwise meets all other Indian legal requirements for synchronization to the Grid System. 4.1.3 The synchronization equipment and all necessary arrangements / equipment including Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) for scheduling of power generated from the Project and transmission of data to the concerned authority as per applicable regulation shall be installed by the Power Producer at its generation facility of the Power Project at its own cost. The Power Producer shall synchronize its system with the Grid System only after the approval of GETCO / SLDC / ALDC and GEDA. 4.1.4 The Power Producer shall immediately after each synchronization / tripping of generator, inform the sub-station of the Grid System to which the Power Project is electrically connected in accordance with applicable Grid Code. 4.1.5 The Power Producer shall commission the Project within SCOD. 4.1.6 The Power Producer shall be required to obtain Developer and/ or Transfer Permission, Key Plan drawing etc, if required, from GEDA. In cases of conversion of land from Agricultural to Non-Agriculture, the commissioning shall be taken up by GEDA only upon submission of N.A. permission by the Power Producer. 4.1.7 The Power Producer shall be required to follow the Forecasting and Scheduling procedures as per the Regulations issued by Hon’ble GERC from time to time. It is to clarify that in terms of GERC (Forecasting, Scheduling, Deviation Settlement and Related Matters of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations, 2019 the procedures for Forecasting, Scheduling & Deviation Settlment are applicable to all solar generators having combined installed capacity above 1 MW connected to the State Grid / Substation including those connected via pooling stations.
Staffing Plan The Board and the Association agree that optimum class size is an important aspect of the effective educational program. The Polk County School Staffing Plan shall be constructed each year according to the procedures set forth in Board Policy and, upon adoption, shall become Board Policy.
School Board Any reference to School Board or District in this Agreement shall mean the District and/or its designated officials.