Policy Start Date definition
Examples of Policy Start Date in a sentence
This Policy is issued based on the information /replies furnished to the questions in the Proposal Form and in the documents submitted by You in support of the proposal for insurance and in the report, if any, of the medical examiner and the declarations which have been made and any other information provided by You or received on your behalf before the Policy Start Date.
The Policy will come into force at 00:00 hours on the Policy Start Date and it will end at 23:59 on the Policy Expiry Date in accordance with the terms of this Policy.
ScheduleThe document accompanying this Policy which confirms the Benefit Period, Policy Start Date, Policy Review Date, Waiting Period and Monthly Benefit which You have applied for and which We have accepted.
On and from the Policy Start Date you can still cancel your Policy however we will not refund any charges.
If any such information/documents/ replies/statements are found to be incomplete or incorrect or false, We, notwithstanding with any other applicable provisions, reserve the right to vary the benefits which may be admissible or declare the Policy null and void from Policy Start Date.