Polling Officer definition

Polling Officer means any person appointed in terms of subsection (2) of section fifty-two to be a polling officer;
Polling Officer means a polling officer appointed for a polling station under section 65(1)(d);
Polling Officer means a person appointed as such for the polling station concerned by Returning Officer under the election rules of the University.

Examples of Polling Officer in a sentence

  • I also authorise the Polling Officer specified in column 4 of the Table against that entry to perform the functions of the Presiding Officer during the unavoidable absence, if any, of the Presiding Officer.

  • Briefly the voting procedure is as follows:-When an elector enters a polling station, he will proceed direct to the first Polling Officer who will be in-charge of the identification of electors and of the marked copy of the electoral roll.

  • In such scenario, Polling Officer will open the system for the member after verifying the Identity and eligibility of the member and facilitate him to cast his vote.

  • When an elector enters the polling station, his identity will be checked by the First Polling Officer with reference to the entries in the electoral roll pertaining to such elector.

  • The Polling Officer in-charge of the arrow cross marked rubber stamps for marking the ballot paper, will take the ballot papers from elector and fold it twice, first vertically and then horizontally and then unfold the ballot paper and hand it over to the elector to enable him to vote.

More Definitions of Polling Officer

Polling Officer means any person appointed in terms of subsection (2) of section fifty-two
Polling Officer means a person appointed to conduct or to assist in the conduct of election to the Panchayats and Municipalities;
Polling Officer means a polling officer appointed by the Registrar of Co-operative Societies for the purpose of any election specified in Chapter III of these rules;
Polling Officer means and officer appointed to assist the Presiding Officer to conduct election in a polling station;
Polling Officer means a person appointed polling officer by the Commission;
Polling Officer means a person appointed by the Returning Officer under these rules as a Polling Officer to assist the presiding Officer.
Polling Officer means the person appointed by the Election Officer to assist him or the Presiding Officer for conducting the elections of one or more polling stations within the local area of one or more Grama Panchayats.