Catering Officer definition
Examples of Catering Officer in a sentence
Following consultation with the Head of Year, the Form Tutor will be asked to speak to the Catering Officer.
The Catering Officer and kitchen staff have over many years supported this aspect of pastoral care at Derby High.
The Principal Catering Officer submitted a paper which set out the projection for the catering trading account based on the period April to September 2006, together with details of the uptake of Free School Meals and an update for the repairs for Environmental Health compliance.
Final menu selections must be submitted to Hotel’s Catering Officer at least ________ weeks/days/months in advance; otherwise, items selected cannot be guaranteed.
Amanda will do a rota.Amanda will also approach Running Imp re Union Flag tablecloths and bunting.Action: Sue Fitch to liaise with WI Catering Officer re the Baking Competition and liaise with Amanda.Amanda to put details on Town Council Website.
VISITOR SIGNATURE:DATE: I confirm that the Visitor Statement shown above has been checked by me:- NAME:POSITION: SIGNATURE:DATE: NOTE: Before allowing the Visitor to enter the Food Handling Area they must be advised to refrain from touching foodstuffs and/or handling it in any way, unless directed to do so by the accompanying nominated Catering Officer.
The Catering Officer is responsible for the planning, purchasing and supply of all provisions for catering purposes.The Catering Officer is authorised to co-opt members to assist with catering duties.
Staff received inquiry on the project because USDA was involved on financing.
Final menu selections must be submitted to Hotel’s Catering Officer at least 30 days in advance; otherwise, items selected cannot be guaranteed.
NAME:POSITION: SIGNATURE:DATE: NOTE: Before allowing the Visitor to enter the Food Handling Area they must be advised to refrain from touching foodstuffs and/or handling it in any way, unless directed to do so by the accompanying nominated Catering Officer.