Pool funds definition
Examples of Pool funds in a sentence
In order to be eligible for funds in the Flexible Pool, Applicants will need to designate that they are applying for the Flexible Pool funds in the submitted Application.
The annual GME Pool funds will be allocated based on the annual ratio derived by dividing each hospital’s average of its Primary Care Position Allocation and its Total Filled Positions Allocation by the aggregate of the medical hospitals’ averages.
The government operated hospitals listed in Attachment C, the State, a county or a city and IHS or 638 tribal facilities are eligible to receive Safety Net Care Pool funds based upon CPEs determined through an approved cost reimbursement methodology.
In accordance with Government Code Section 27000-27013 and Government Code 53607, the Stanislaus County Board of Supervisors (“Board”) has delegated the daily investment of Pool funds to the Treasurer.
Short-term Whatcom County Investment Pool funds are classified as Cash and Cash Equivalents on the Statement of Net Position.
Safety Net Care Pool funds are available annually at the levels defined in paragraph 38.
Safety Net Care Pool funds are available annually at the levels defined in paragraph 39.
In the event that an enforcement action against ASFC shall result in the termination of the Pool, or the Pool shall be terminated for any other reason, the Pool funds shall be distributed to Participants in satisfaction of any deposit obligation under this Agreement including principal and interest.
The Commission has measured fair value of the VML/VACO Virginia Investment Pool funds at the net asset value (NAV).
Describe the scope of work the Business Development Loan Pool funds are proposed for, and the anticipated benefits to be realized from the proposed project.