Pool vehicle definition
Examples of Pool vehicle in a sentence
In order to facilitate the delivery of an In-stock or Pool vehicle in a more expedient manor than ordering a truck built to Specification or to allow for minor changes in specification to meet agency needs, the ordering unit may agree to specification changes up-to and including $5000.00 as determined based on Dealer invoice.
In order to facilitate the delivery of an in-stock or Pool vehicle in a more expedient manor than ordering a truck built to Specification or to allow for minor changes in specification to meet agency needs, the ordering unit may agree to specification changes up-to and including $10,000.00 as determined based on Dealer invoice.
Pool vehicle reservations and use information shall be managed by the site supervisor or Fleet Coordinator.
Before renting a Motor Pool vehicle, each driver and backup driver must follow up on these next two steps.
Transport certain hazardous materials in UW-owned and operated Motor Pool vehicle.
Pool vehicle is a general business use vehicle that comprises part of the District fleet which is not allocated for private use.
The driver is notified when a DCS State Motor Pool vehicle is available and when to pick it up.
Example of QBF-to-DAG reduction for ∀x3∃x2∀x1(x1 ∨ x2 ∨ x3) ∧ (x1 ∨ x2 ∨ x3) ∧ (x1 ∨ x2 ∨ x3).
Returning Motor Pool VehiclesAll unassigned Motor Pool vehicles must be returned and parked on the north side of the Motor Pool vehicle area, if parking space is available.
Employees using a DCS State Motor Pool vehicle check out a PikePass tag at the time the DCS Fleet Mgmt – Form 015, Requisition for Motor Vehicle, is picked up at DSU.