Port Director definition
Examples of Port Director in a sentence
Any benefit which accrued to any employee prior to the effective date of this Agreement, which has been approved by the Port Director and which is not specifically mentioned in this Agreement shall continue.
Deliberate the Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment, or Duties of a Public Officer or Employee, Including Without Limitation the Port Director Section 551.072 – Real Estate a.
Any resolution and/or recommended action by the Board shall be directed, in writing, to the Port Director or his/her designee to be acted upon immediately.
The Federation shall notify and provide the written material to be distributed to the Port Director no later than 11:00 a.m., two (2) days preceding the normal payday for prior approval for distribution.
All notices or bulletins of the Federation that are to be posted must be submitted to the Port Director or his/her designee for approval prior to posting with a copy for the County.