Port of Nome definition

Port of Nome. , "Nome Port", or "port" means all real estate identified as the Port of Nome subdivision, all tidelands which have been transferred to the City of Nome, all real property contiguous to all tidelands which have been transferred to the City of Nome, and all tidal waters within the corporate limits of the City of Nome except those areas which are within the exclusive jurisdiction of either the State of Alaska or the United States together with all improvements located thereon.

Examples of Port of Nome in a sentence

  • No structure or improvement may be placed on the premises of the Port of Nome without the prior written consent of the Port Director.

  • No hazardous substances or explosive material components may be stored at any location on Port of Nome property without the prior written consent of the Port Director.

  • The Port of Nome is located in Sitŋasuaq1 (Nome) on the Seward Peninsula, Alaska, on the Norton Sound coast of the Bering Sea (Figure 1-1).

  • Section 401 authorizes 46 Chief’s Reports, including a project for navigation improve- ments for the Port of Nome in Nome, Alaska.

  • Tenant shall construct, operate and maintain the Worker Housing to facilitate construction of the Deep Draft Arctic Port; (aka: Port of Nome Modifications Project), known as the “Project”.

  • Furthermore, there is no property whose title is restricted from use of the Group in both years.

  • This Plan of Cooperation (POC) was developed in accordance with Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) requirements for the issuance of an Incidental Harassment Authorization (IHA) for project activities (e.g., pile driving) during Year 1 of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Port of Nome Modification project (Project).

  • The Port of Nome must be named as an additional insured in order for the License to be approved.

  • Any information generated by the Surveillance System may only be used for other purposes, in compliance with applicable privacy legislation as well as EMPIRE’s applicable policies.

  • The Port of Nome Uplands Facility is being managed as an “Open Yard” facility, meaning that the User is responsible for the actual work being performed on their vessel.

Related to Port of Nome

  • Electric personal assistive mobility device means a self-balancing two-nontandem-wheeled device

  • Written Testing-the-Waters Communication means any Testing-the-Waters Communication that is a written communication within the meaning of Rule 405 under the Securities Act.

  • Alternative energy technology means equipment, component parts, materials, electronic devices, testing equipment, and related systems that are specifically designed, specifically fabricated, and used primarily for 1 or more of the following:

  • AT&T MICHIGAN means the AT&T owned ILEC doing business in Michigan.

  • Testing-the-Waters Communication means any oral or written communication with potential investors undertaken in reliance on Section 5(d) of the Securities Act.

  • Personal wireless services means commercial mobile services, unlicensed wireless services, and common carrier wireless exchange access services, as defined by federal laws and regulations.

  • Residential Zone means a zone earmarked for buildings exclusively designed for human habitation and in no case shall include its use in whole or a part thereof for any other purpose e.g commercial activities, school, institution, shop, office, clinic, beauty parlor, guest house, marriage center, gymnasium, tuition center, club activities, work-shop, store or godown etc. or for the purpose of political, religious and sectarian activities. It includes parks, gardens, play grounds, sector shops and other open spaces located in the area earmarked in the residential zone.

  • Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater means the most recent edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater published jointly by the American Public Health Association, the American Waterworks Association and the Water Environment Federation;

  • Specified anatomical areas means and includes:

  • maximum content of non-originating materials means the maximum content of non-originating materials which is permitted in order to consider a manufacture to be working or processing sufficient to confer originating status on the product. It may be expressed as a percentage of the ex-works price of the product or as a percentage of the net weight of these materials used falling under a specified group of chapters, chapter, heading or subheading;

  • Amplification, transmission and distribution equipment means, but is not limited to, production,