Positive response definition
Examples of Positive response in a sentence
Individuals should have met all of the following indications: • Physical exam findings consistent with facet origin pain, and • Positive response to controlled medial branch blocks, and • At least 3 months of pain, unresponsive to 6-8 weeks of conservative therapies, including manual therapy, and • A psychosocial screening (e.g., thorough psychosocial history, screening questionnaire) with treatment as appropriate has been undergone.
Positive response to these issues by agents conjugated with the action of the State, have allowed that at this moment response is estimated at 100%, compared with the indexes that Mozambique had reached in 1983, following the introduction of the National System of the Education.
Positive response rates are higher for the second and third questions than for the first, but it is strik- ing that overall, OECD countries do not necessarily do much better than middle income countries.
For paint containing lead at or above the regulated level, 1.0 mg/cm2 or 0.5% by weight, a dem- onstrated probability (with 95% con- fidence) of a negative response less than or equal to 5% of the time.(2) Positive response criteria.
Individuals should have met all of the following indications: • Physical exam findings consistent with facet origin pain; and • Positive response to controlled medial branch blocks; and • At least 3 months of pain, unresponsive to 6-8 weeks of conservative therapies, including manual therapy; and • A psychosocial screening (e.g., thorough psychosocial history, screening questionnaire) with treatment as appropriate has been undergone.