Postgraduate Qualification definition
Examples of Postgraduate Qualification in a sentence
GBC status may be fulfilled in one of the following ways: • Holding a BPS accredited Honours Degree in Psychology;• Holding a BPS accredited Postgraduate Qualification in Psychology;• Holding a BPS accredited Conversion Qualification;• A pass in the BPS Qualifying Examination.
Postgraduate Qualification Maximum AmountGraduate Certificate$5,000Graduate Diploma$8,000Masters or PhD$10,000 If a course extends beyond one year, you must make a new application for the second year of funding.
GBC status may be fulfilled in one of the following ways: • Holding a BPS accredited Honours Degree in Psychology;• Holding a BPS accredited Postgraduate Qualification in Psychology;• Holding a BPS accredited Conversion Qualification.
Postgraduate Qualification – A recognised postgraduate qualification, over and above a degree as defined above.
Parent/Guardian 2:Highest educational attainment🞎 Postgraduate Qualification (eg Postgraduate Diploma, Masters, PhD)🞎 Bachelor Degree🞎 Other post school qualification(eg associate degree, diploma, advanced diploma, completed apprenticeship)🞎 Completed Year 12 schooling or equivalent🞎 Did not complete Year 12🞎 Completed Year 10 schooling or equivalent🞎 Did not complete Year 10 schooling or equivalent🞎 Don’t know🞎 I do not wish to provide this information🞎 Male 🞎 Female Disability/Impairment details5.
This council shall be constituted by: Postgraduate Students at the applicable Campus who have been registered for a Postgraduate Qualification at the Bloemfontein Campus for a minimum period of at least 3 (THREE) consecutive semesters.
Required Qualifications and Experience: Be in possession of a Degree in Commerce/ Business or related fields; a Postgraduate Qualification in Commerce/ Business or related fields will be desirable. Should have at least 5 – 10 years’ experience in middle to senior management in the area of hospitality and yield management at a strategic level. An in-depth understanding of sales and sales management in the hotel and general hospitality industry.
Mintek currently has 15 SET staff members pursuing doctorate degrees in engineering and science as part of SET Postgraduate Qualification Enhancement Programme.
PRIMARY MEDICAL QUALIFICATIONS Qualifications Name of awarding body and address Date conferred (DD/MM/YY) POSTGRADUATE MEDICAL QUALIFICATIONS Qualifications Name of awarding body and address Date conferred (DD/MM/YY) Duration of training to obtain Postgraduate Qualification (in years): Postgraduate Professional ExperiencePlease list below details of all professional posts you have held since you passed the final examination for your primary medical qualification.
GBC status may be fulfilled in one of the following ways: A pass in the Society's Qualifying Examination; Holding a Society accredited Honours Degree in Psychology; Holding a Society accredited Postgraduate Qualification in Psychology; or a Society accredited Conversion Qualification.