Australian Qualifications Framework definition

Australian Qualifications Framework. (AQF) means the national system of recognition for the issue of vocational qualifications.
Australian Qualifications Framework or “AQF" means the policy framework that defines all qualifications recognised nationally in post-compulsory education and training within Australia. The AQF comprises titles and guidelines which define each qualification, together with principles and protocols covering articulation and issuance of qualifications and Statements of Attainment.
Australian Qualifications Framework means the national policy for regulating qualifications in Australian education and training

Examples of Australian Qualifications Framework in a sentence

  • The Director of Children’s Services updated the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on the key financial pressures identified by his service.

  • A recognised postgraduate degree, over and above a degree as defined above.NOTE: Previously recognised qualifications obtained prior to the implementation of the Australian Qualifications Framework continue to be recognised.

  • Note: Previously recognised qualifications obtained prior to the implementation of the Australian Qualifications Framework continue to be recognised.

  • Titles and levels are also on the Australian Qualifications Framework certificates issued by RTOs. Qualification codes are available from the National Register, (

  • NOTE: Previously recognised qualifications obtained prior to the implementation of the Australian Qualifications Framework continue to be recognised.

More Definitions of Australian Qualifications Framework

Australian Qualifications Framework means the Australian Qualifications Framework published by the Australian Qualifications Framework Advisory Board, as amended by that Board from time to time;
Australian Qualifications Framework means the national policy of that name for accredited qualifications in Australian education and training (including addenda under that policy from time to time) that:
Australian Qualifications Framework means the policy of that name, defining all qualifications recognised nationally in post-compulsory education and training within Australia, endorsed by the Ministerial Council on Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs so as to commence on 12 January 1995, as from time to time amended.
Australian Qualifications Framework. (or AQF) means the national framework of qualifications as agreed by the Ministerial Council for Employment Education Training and Youth Affairs (MCEETYA).
Australian Qualifications Framework means the unified system of national qualifications for schools, TAFE, private vocational education & training organisations, and universities and higher education bodies in Australia.
Australian Qualifications Framework means the
Australian Qualifications Framework or “AQF" means the policy framework that defines all qualifications recognised nationally in post-compulsory education and training within