Potential Provider definition
Examples of Potential Provider in a sentence
All Potential Providers should answer question 7.2.1. Where a Potential Provider at this stage of the process intends to sub-contract they should answer questions 7.2.2 and 7.2.3 below.
Where a Potential Provider becomes aware of the intention to sub-contract at later stages in the procurement they are required to notify NMRN of this and provide the information requested below at that time.
Where a Potential Provider is a consortium, they should indicate which members are proposing to deliver the services.
The Potential Provider agrees to abide by these Terms of the Procurement and any instructions given in the Invitation to Tender and agrees to ensure that any of its staff, contractors, subcontractors, consortium members and advisers involved or connected with the Procurement abides by the same.
The Potential Provider must not directly or indirectly canvass any Minister, public sector employee or agent regarding this Procurement or attempt to procure any information from the same regarding the Procurement (except where permitted by the Invitation to Tender).