Examples of Power Year in a sentence
The Cost-of-Service recognizes all prior (expired) months within the Power Year on the basis of actual (incurred) costs, and recognizes all forward (pending) months within the Power Year on the basis of expected forward power and fuel prices and expected forward load-following risks.
ISO shall, in its discretion, determine and file with the Commission pursuant to Section 205 of the Federal Power Act the Installed Capacity Requirements for each Power Year.
ISO shall present Installed Capacity Requirements for each Power Year toGovernance Participants pursuant to the processes described in Sections 11.1.2 and 11.1.3 for consideration of proposed changes in Market Rules, and the Participants Committee shall take an advisory vote on the proposed Installed Capacity Requirements for any Power Year.
As shown by the ‘Phelix Power Year Future’, electricity prices in 2016 will remain constant with current prices at around 40.5 €/MWh for the Phelix Peak Year Future and at around 32€/MWh for the Phelix Base Year Future (EEX 2015c).
The thickness of the thin layers increases with the time of exposure to the working temperature as illustrated in Fig.
Docket No. ER95–1349–000]Take notice that on July 7, 1995, Florida Power & Light Company (FPL), tendered for filing the Notices ofContract Demand for Power Year 1998 for the following customers under Rate Schedule PR of FPL’s Wholesale Electric Tariff: City of Starke, City ofJacksonville Beach; City of Green Cove Springs, and the City of Clewiston.Comment date: August 3, 1995, inaccordance with Standard Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
From a programmatic standpoint, even if the end of life fluence is increased only slightly, the plant’s current pressure‐temperature curves (which reside in either the plant Technical Specifications or the Pressure Temperature Limits Report for ITS plants) will need to be re‐analyzed to determine if the valid Effective Full Power Year limit has decreased.
The Committee has not examined in detail the Auditor-General’s recent report on the studios.
This report documents the analysis done by the NEPOOL Power Supply Planning Committee (PSPC) that led to the establishment of Objective Capability, herein referred to as the Seasonal NEPOOL Installed Capacity Requirement (ICAPReq) values for the Power Year beginning June 1, 2003.
The data used to determine m shall include the annual maintenance outage requirements for the current Power Year and the next three Power Years, as utilized for the New Unit in the most recent determination by the Participants Committee of NEPOOL Objective Capability pursuant to Section 7.