Preferential Claim definition
Examples of Preferential Claim in a sentence
Received (Date Stamp)Reserved for Office Use:Claim admitted for voting purposes: Signed: Date: / / Claim rejected for voting purposes:Signed:Date: / / Claim rejected for payment:Signed:Date: / / Claim admitted for payment: Preferential Claim for: Ordinary Claim for: Deferred claim for: $ $ $ Signed LiquidatorDated: Note: If the decision to admit or reject a claim is amended, regulation 8 of the Companies Act 1993 Liquidation Regulations 1994 requires that it be recorded in writing.
The CVA shall not affect the rights of any Employee, either in respect of any Employee Preferential Claim or any other Liability owed to the Employee in their capacity as an Employee.
Operating Assets3.5 Description3.6 Sales Proceeds3.7 Estate Contribution3.8 Preferential Claim of the Netherlands Tax and Customs Administration3.9 Stocks / Work in Hand3.10 Sales Proceeds3.11 Estate Contribution3.12 Intellectual Property Rights3.13 Participating InterestsPlease refer to the previous reports.
In April 2022, the Plan Administrator filed a Complaint against MHI (the "Complaint") alleging certain preferential transfers of assets, which were valued by the Plan Administrator at $250,000, relating to payments on a $600,000 loan made to MHI by the Company prior to the filing of the OGGUSA Debtors Chapter 11 proceeding (the "Preferential Claim").
In July 2023, MHI entered into a Settlement and Release Agreement with the Plan Administrator pursuant to which it agreed to reduce its Bankruptcy Court approved unsecured general claim to $15.5 million, or by 50%, in consideration for the settlement of the Preferential Claim and a general release of MHI and the Company.
Operating Assets3.5 Description3.6 Sales Proceeds3.7 Bankrupt Estate Contribution3.8 Preferential Claim of the Netherlands Tax and Customs Administration3.9 Stocks / Work in Hand3.10 Sales Proceeds3.11 Bankrupt Estate Contribution3.12 Intellectual Property Rights3.13 Participating InterestsPlease refer to the previous reports.
Possibly the tapered deflector design located more forward would cause lower pitch amplitude and decrease the interference of deflector’s profile with water during impacts.
IJIEM Next, section 3 presents the research method and introduces the case company.
In April 2022, the Plan Administrator filed a Complaint against MMH (the "Complaint") alleging certain preferential transfers of assets, which were valued by the Plan Administrator at $250,000, relating to payments on a $600,000 loan made to MMH by the Company prior to the filing of the OGGUSA Debtors Chapter 11 proceeding (the "Preferential Claim").
The Company intends that each Operational Debt, insofar as its Operational Debt has not been discharged outside the Scheme, each Preferential Creditor, insofar as its Preferential Claim has not been discharged outside the Scheme, and the Secured Creditor, insofar as its Secured Claim has not been discharged outside the Scheme, will be paid either by the Company with cash flows received from its operating activities in cash in full outside of the Scheme.