Examples of Preliminary Rounds in a sentence
The pairing of Teams for Preliminary Rounds shall be done, in the first instance, by a random draw.
For Preliminary Round Matches, ticket pricing and design, where applicable, will be determined by the Home Club in accordance with the relevant Member Federation Competition Rules applying to the Preliminary Rounds (if any).
The Semifinal Rounds of the Italian National Rounds consist of two (2) pairings of the four (4) Teams ranked first (1st) through fourth (4th) from the Preliminary Rounds.
The decision on this matter rests with the responsible designated Match Committee of the Host Club(s) for Preliminary Rounds.
Each Team participating in the Italian National Rounds shall participate in Preliminary Rounds consisting of four (4) Oral Rounds, twice as Applicant and twice as Respondent.
If Semifinal Rounds have not been held, then the top two Teams from the Preliminary Rounds shall compete against one another in a single Championship Round.
If two (2) teams shall have equal points following the Preliminary Rounds, a further classification shall be established as follows:The team winning the games between them shall be placed higher.If the games between them were shared, then the first comparison shall be based on goal difference, and if still tied, then based on goals scored.
For purposes of this Rule, all rankings shall be determined by the final standings of the Preliminary Rounds.
The pairings in the Semifinal Rounds of the Italian National Rounds shall be determined by use of "power-seeding", i.e. the highest-ranked Team shall compete against the lowest-ranked Team and the second-highest-ranked Team shall compete against the second-lowest-ranked Team.For purposes of this Rule, all rankings shall be determined by the final standings of the Preliminary Rounds.
In the event that Teams must face each other in two (2) Preliminary Rounds, each Team shall plead as Applicant in one Round and Respondent in the other Round.