First Stage Sample Clauses
First Stage. The employee, and a Union Officer, may within fifteen (15) days of the action on the part of the Employer which led to the dispute, or complaint, grieve the matter orally to the employee's immediate supervisor. The grievance must be answered within five (5) days of receipt of the grievance.
First Stage a. The formal grievance process is initiated by submitting a written grievance on a standard form that is mutually developed by the Union and the College. The written grievance must be submitted to the Associate Xxxx of the division in which the
b. The Associate Xxxx shall provide his or her decision (along with a copy of the grievance) to the Employee and the Union in writing, within fourteen (14) calendar days of the receipt of the grievance.
First Stage. Any employee having a grievance shall first submit the same during working hours to his Supervisor and if he/she requests, be accompanied by his committee person. If the grievance cannot be settled by the Supervisor, the employee may during working hours refer it to the committee member in the employees' department. The committee member, if he/she shall consider the grievance reasonable but not otherwise, shall during working hours present it in writing to the Supervisor in the presence of the aggrieved employee. The Supervisor shall receive and discuss the grievance and shall endeavour to arrange a satisfactory settlement with the committee member and/or the aggrieved employee and shall in any event render his decision in writing not later than the second regular working day following the day upon which the grievance shall be received. Further time may be allowed by the committee member and/or the employee. The Supervisors' decision may be appealed from by lodging an appeal in writing with the Company management directly or through the chairperson of the committee within two regular working days after receipt of the supervisors' decision. The grievance shall be discussed at a meeting or meetings between the Personnel Manager, General Supervisor and the committee to be held on notice to be given not later than five (5) working days after the receipt of the supervisors' decision, at such time as may be agreed upon and if no time is agreed upon, within five regular working days following the receipt of the notice. Further time may be allowed by either party. An international or local representative may attend such meetings.
First Stage. The filing of the grievance at the first stage must be within thirty (30) days of the occurrence of the grievance. The meeting with the principal, or the appropriate District representative, will take place within ten (10) days after the receipt of the written grievance. The principal or appropriate District representative, who has authority to make a decision on the grievance, shall make such decision and communicate it in writing within ten (10) days after the meeting, to the employee, Superintendent and the Grievance Committee Chairperson.
First Stage. The aggrieved Teacher shall request an informal conference with his or her Principal regarding the adjustment of any grievance. This is to be done within ten school days after the Teacher becomes aware of the alleged violation. At this and all future conferences regarding the alleged grievance, the Teacher may be represented by a UNION representative or by any Teacher of his or her choice. The Principal may also have a representative of his/her choice. The aggrieved Teacher must be present at this as well as at all subsequent meetings. No other Teacher organization shall represent the Teacher, if the party is dissatisfied with the outcome of the conference, he or she is privileged to proceed to the second stage. In the event the grievance has not been settled satisfactorily at the First Stage, the aggrieved Teacher, if he or she chooses the UNION as his or her representative, shall file a signed statement setting forth all of the pertinent facts and dates relative to the complaint and the remedy or relief sought with the UNION Grievance Committee in order that such committee may review and evaluate the merits of the complaint. Should the committee deem it advisable to file the complaint as a grievance, it shall be signed by two members of the UNION Executive BOARD. Copies of the complaint shall be submitted to the Principal of the aggrieved Teacher and to the Superintendent. If the Teacher chooses another Teacher other than an official UNION representative as his/her representative, he/she shall submit the same type of report to such representative who shall also sign it, and present it to the immediate administrator of the grievant and to the Superintendent. The aggrieved Teacher, having filed the grievance in writing, shall at a mutually agreeable time, discuss the matter with the Principal and his representative if he so desires, in the presence of a UNION representative if desired or in the presence of any Teacher of the grievant’s choice with the objective of resolving the matter. The filing of the grievance at the second stage must be within fourteen days of the decision. The Principal or other Administrator who has authority to make a decision on the grievance shall make such decision and communicate it in writing to the aggrieved Teacher, the Superintendent, and the UNION President within fourteen days. In the event a grievance has not been satisfactorily resolved at the Second Stage, the aggrieved Teacher or his representative, within fourteen day...
First Stage. The aggrieved bargaining unit member shall file the grievance in writing and at a mutually agreeable time discuss the matter with the principal and/or appropriate administrator and a representative of the administrator’s choice in the presence of the Union Representative, or any Union designee of the grievant’s choice, with the objective of resolving the matter. If a grievance is filed by someone whose direct supervisor is a principal, that principal will be given a copy of the grievance. The filing of the grievance at the first stage must be within ten (10) working days of the aggrieved becoming aware of the grievance. The principal or other administrator who has authority to make a decision on the grievance shall make such decision and communicate it in writing to the grievant, the Superintendent and the Union President within ten (10) working days.
First Stage. Oral Discussion
First Stage. Any grievance shall in the first instance be taken up with the Fire Chief or designate appointed by the Fire Chief, giving full particulars in writing, within eight (8) days of the Deputy Chief’s response.
First Stage. The dispute will first be registered in writing with the Deputy Chief People and Culture Officer who will set up a special meeting to consider the issue, within 10 working days of receipt of the letter. The dispute will first be registered in writing with the Deputy ChiefPeople and Culture Officer who will set up a special meeting to consider the issue, within 10 working days of receipt of the letter. This should consist of the following representatives from the management side Deputy Chief People and Culture Officer (Chair), and a maximum of 2 Board Directors and depending on the nature of the dispute a Service Director will attend. The Trade Union should consist of no more than two representatives from each Trade Union who lodged the dispute. Observers can attend at the discretion of the Chair of the meeting.
First Stage. If an employee has any matter to take up with the Company which is in the nature of a grievance, he/she should satisfy himself that he/she has complied with the provisions of Article 19, and failing reasonable satisfaction, an employee may present the matter in writing to the supervisor of his/her Department as provided herein:
a) The employee may request permission of his/her supervisor to discuss and/or prepare a grievance with his/her Xxxxxxx. The designation of the time and place involved in such discussion and/or preparation of the written grievance shall be subject to the direction of the supervisor and shall be held during working hours on the day of the request or as soon as practical thereafter.
b) A written grievance, signed by the employee, shall be submitted by the employee, who may be accompanied by his/her Xxxxxxx, to the supervisor concerned. The supervisor will sign the grievance and indicate the time and date received. The supervisor shall give his/her answer in writing to the Xxxxxxx within two (2) working days of the date on which he/she receives the grievance.
c) A seniority grievance concerning layoff, recall or transfer, shall designate in such grievance at the time it is submitted in first stage, the name of the job incumbent whose job forms the primary claim of the grievor. It is understood that in addition to the primary claim, the employee shall be limited to naming not more than two (2) additional job incumbents whose jobs he/she claims. In the event that such grievance is posted to arbitration, the primary claim shall be the subject matter before the Board of Arbitration or sole arbitrator. If the job incumbent of such primary claim has been transferred or laid off prior to the date set by the Board of Arbitration or sole arbitrator, the employee shall advise the Company as to the alternate job incumbent selected from the names contained in the grievance, at least three (3) weeks prior to the date set by the Board of Arbitration or sole arbitrator.