Premises Address definition
Examples of Premises Address in a sentence
The details are as below:Name of location/scheme/Exchange Premises: Address: Type of Location (Residential or Commercial): No of Blocks: No of Units/Offices: Type of internal telecom infrastructure: Present Status: Initial expected connection: Total expected demand in a year: Further as discussed we are ready to provide the free space & free electricity/regularly pat rentals and electricity Bills for BSNL installations/ installation of BSNL telecom equipment*.
Name of Responding Company: Check all that apply: Tenant ( ) Contractor ( ) Prospective ( ) Existing ( ) Mailing Address: Contact person & Title: Telephone Number: ( ) Address of Lease Premises: Length of Lease or Contract Term: Address of Leased Premises: Address of Current Operations: Describe the proposed operations to take place on the property, including principal products manufactured or services to be conducted.
Lessor leases to Lessee that certain property containing the approximate “Square Footage of Leased Premises” located at the above-stated Leased Premises Address situated in the City of Chattanooga, Hamilton County, Tennessee, and identified by the Tax Map Number as stated in paragraph 1 of this Agreement.
To: [Name of Landlord] (the “Landlord”) of [Address of Landlord] From: [Name of Tenant] (the “Tenant”) of [Address of Tenant] Lease: A [lease][underlease] of the Premises dated [date] made between [original parties to the Lease] Premises: [Address of Premises] Disposal A disposal the Premises on the terms set out in the Schedule to this Notice Price: [Amount in figures] Date: [Date] This notice is served on you under Schedule 10 to the Lease.
This Standard Premises Use Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into on the stated Effective Date between the Tenant and Landlord (collectively “Parties”) for use of the athletic fields and buildings (hereafter “Premises”) located at the below stated Premises Address and as more specifically described in the Legal description set forth in paragraph 1 and outlined in red on the Premises Diagram attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference.