Prepaid Shipments definition

Prepaid Shipments has the meaning set forth in Section 3.3.

Examples of Prepaid Shipments in a sentence

  • For Freight Collect Shipments: Purchase orders must be tendered to the carrier by the ship date indicatedor by a revised date established by Lowe’s Canada’s Transportation.For Freight Prepaid Shipments: Purchase orders must arrive by the arrival date indicated.

  • Freight Prepaid Shipments - A claim for damage in transit must be made by the customer to Accuride Aftermarket Customer Service as soon as the damage is discovered, and in any event, no later than seven (7) days thereafter.

  • This section of the manual explores all of the vendor compliance requirements in greater detail.1.1 On-Time Shipments For Freight Collect Shipments: Purchase orders must be tendered to the carrier by the required ship date or by a revised date established by RONA’s Transportation.For Freight Prepaid Shipments: Purchase orders must arrive by the requested delivery date indicated.

  • Collect or Prepaid Shipments that ship with any variation other than those described will be considered "Errant Suppliers Shipments".

  • On Time Shipping (Prepaid Shipments) Definition: Each Prepaid Shipment is considered on-time if the following criteria are met: ⮚ The timestamp when the trailer is checked in at the facility is or before the expected delivery date on the PO Calculation: Total shipments shipped On-Time divided by the total evaluated shipments Threshold: 90% Offset: Each shipment identified as having an On-Time violation will be assessed a financial offset equal to 10% of the gross value of the late shipment.

  • The vendor’s merchandise invoice will be paid in full and Bluestem Brands is responsible for recovery from the carrier.2. Prepaid Shipments - Bluestem Brands will not be responsible for filing freight claims when the BOL is verified and found to be short to the quantity presented on the BOL, and the shortage is verified by both Bluestem Brands and the vendor’s carrier.

Related to Prepaid Shipments

  • Shipment means a volume of products offered to and accepted by Carrier for transportation.

  • Actual Shipments means volumes of Crude Petroleum that originate on the Pipeline at the Receipt Point and that are ultimately delivered at a Delivery Point. All volumes shall be measured at the Receipt Point.

  • Drop shipment means the sale of a prescription drug to a

  • Prepaid calling service means the right to access exclusively telecommunications services, which must be paid for in advance and which enables the origination of calls using an access number or authorization code, whether manually or electronically dialed, and that is sold in predetermined units or dollars of which the number declines with use in a known amount.

  • shipped includes removal from the work sites by ship or any other means;

  • Prepaid contract means a contract requiring payment in advance for funeral or cemetery services or merchandise, physical delivery and retention of which would occur after death under a guaranteed price contract or a nonguaranteed price contract. Prepaid contracts do not include a contract for the sale of merchandise or funeral or cemetery services entered into after the death of the contract beneficiary.

  • Prepaid wireless calling service means a telecommunications service that provides the right to utilize mobile wireless service as well as other non-telecommunications services, including the download of digital products delivered electronically, content and ancillary services, which must be paid for in advance that is sold in predetermined units or dollars of which the number declines with use in a known amount.

  • Passenger vessel means any boat, ship, vessel, barge, or other floating craft of any kind carrying passengers for compensation.

  • Shipment Date , in relation to a mineral, means —

  • Delivery vessel means tank trucks or trailers equipped with a storage tank and used for the transport of gasoline from sources of supply to stationary tanks of gasoline dispensing facilities.

  • passenger ship means a ship which carries more than 12 passengers;

  • Delivery Month means each month specified as such by the Exchange pursuant to

  • Alternate Billing Service (ABS) means a service that allows End Users to bill calls to accounts that may not be associated with the originating line. There are three types of ABS calls: calling card, collect and third number billed calls.

  • Peak-Hour Dispatch means, for purposes of calculating the Energy and Ancillary Services Revenue Offset under Tariff, Attachment DD, section 5, an assumption, as more fully set forth in the PJM Manuals, that the Reference Resource is committed in the Day-Ahead Energy Market in four distinct blocks of four hours of continuous output for each block from the peak-hour period beginning with the hour ending 0800 EPT through to the hour ending 2300 EPT for any day when the average day-ahead LMP for the area for which the Net Cost of New Entry is being determined is greater than, or equal to, the cost to generate (including the cost for a complete start and shutdown cycle) for at least two hours during each four-hour block, where such blocks shall be assumed to be committed independently; provided that, if there are not at least two economic hours in any given four-hour block, then the Reference Resource shall be assumed not to be committed for such block; and to the extent not committed in any such block in the Day- Ahead Energy Market under the above conditions based on Day-Ahead LMPs, is dispatched in the Real-Time Energy Market for such block if the Real-Time LMP is greater than or equal to the cost to generate under the same conditions as described above for the Day-Ahead Energy Market.

  • FOB means Free on Board

  • Return Destination means the place to which the Insured expects to return from his/her Trip as shown in the Application.

  • Peak Hours or “Peak Period” means the period with the highest ridership during the entire transit service day as determined by the transit operator. Must include at least one hour during the morning commute hours and one during evening commute hours, Monday through Friday. Each Peak Period cannot be longer than three hours.

  • Vessel means the vessel/craft belonging to the Contractor for carrying out the work.

  • Prepaid Expenses has the meaning set forth in Section 1.2(f).

  • Daily Contract Quantity or “DCQ” means the quantity of Gas as set out in Clause 4.1 herein.

  • Cargo means any property carried on an aircraft other than mail, stores and accompanied or mishandled baggage;

  • ro-ro passenger ship means a passenger ship with ro-ro spaces or special category spaces as defined in regulation II-2/3.

  • Business reply mail envelope means an envelope that may be mailed free of

  • Off-Peak Hours means those hours which are not On-Peak Hours.

  • Contract Quantity means the quantity of Gas to be delivered and taken as agreed to by the parties in a transaction.

  • Ship means a vessel of any type whatsoever operating in the marine environment and includes hydrofoil boats, air-cushion vehicles, submersibles, floating craft and fixed or floating platforms.