School age means children from 6 to 12 years of age and 5 year olds who are in full-day kindergarten.
Preschool age child means a child age three through five not yet attending kindergarten. If a child is older than age five and not attending kindergarten or a higher grade, OCCL considers that child in the preschool-age group.
Preschool means a program licensed to offer early childhood services, which follows a preschool curriculum and course of study designed primarily to enhance the educational development of the children enrolled and which serves no child for more than three hours per day.
School-age child means a minor who is at least six years old but younger than 18 years old and who is not emancipated.
Preschooler means a child age two through four years old.
Preschool child means a child who is three years old or older but is not a school child.
School nurse means a registered professional nurse with Maine Department of Education certification for school nursing.
School climate means the quality and character of school life with a particular focus on the quality of the relationships within the school community between and among students and adults.
Adult education means all education or instruction,
Compulsory-school-age child means a child who has attained or will attain the age of six (6) years on or before September 1 of the calendar year and who has not attained the age of seventeen (17) years on or before September 1 of the calendar year; and shall include any child who has attained or will attain the age of five (5) years on or before September 1 and has enrolled in a full-day public school kindergarten program. A child, five (5) years of age, who enrolls in public kindergarten, will have to abide by the same guidelines as outlined in the §37-13-91.
School service means a website, mobile application, or online service that (i) is designed and marketed solely for use in elementary or secondary schools; (ii) is used at the direction of teachers or other employees at elementary or secondary schools; and (iii) collects and maintains, uses, or shares student personal information. "School service" does not include a website, mobile application, or online service that is designed and marketed for use by individuals or entities generally, even if it is also marketed for use in elementary or secondary schools.
School year means the period beginning July 1 and ending June 30 next following.
Compulsory school age means the period of a child’s life from the time the child enters school, which may be no later than at the age of eight (8) years, until the age of 17 years or graduation from high school, whichever occurs first.
Infant means a child under one year of age.
Backsiphonage means the flow of water or other liquids, mixtures or substances into the potable water system from any source other than its intended source, caused by the reduction of pressure in the potable water system.
Educator means a person licensed and certified by the State under 14 Del.C. Ch. 12 to engage in the practice of instruction, administration or other related professional support services in Delaware public schools, including charter schools, pursuant to rules and regulations promulgated by the Professional Standards Board and approved by the State Board of Education. The term 'educator' does not include substitute teachers.
Schools means preschools, elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, and similar facilities, both public and private, used primarily for the instruction of minors.
Natural attenuation means a variety of physical, chemical or biological processes that, under favorable conditions, act without human intervention to reduce the mass, toxicity, mobility, volume, or concentration of hazardous substances in the environment. These in situ processes include: Natural biodegradation; dispersion; dilution; sorption; volatilization; and chemical or biological stabilization, transformation, or destruction of hazardous substances. See WAC 173- 340-370(7) for a description of the expected role of natural attenuation in site cleanup. A cleanup action that includes natural attenuation and conforms to the expectation in WAC 173- 340-370(7) can be considered an active remedial measure.
Boxing means the sport of attack and defense with fists, using padded gloves, in a square ring.
Dietitian or “licensed dietitian” means a person who maintains a license granted by the Iowa board of dietetic examiners.
School means an elementary or secondary school.
Adult day care center means any facility that is either operated for profit or that desires licensure
School bus means every motor vehicle owned by a public or governmental agency or private school and operated for the transportation of pupils, children of pupils, teachers and other persons acting in a supervisory capacity, to or from school or school activities, or, privately owned and operated for compensation for the transportation of pupils, children of pupils, teachers and other persons acting in a supervisory capacity to or from school or school activities (Education Law §11[1] and Vehicle and Traffic Law §142).
Newborn means a baby less than nine days old.
Eligible educational institution means any of the following:
Pruning means the appropriate removal in accordance with good arboricultural practices of not more than one-third of the live branches or limbs of a tree or more than one-third of the live branches or limbs on a tree as part of a consistent annual pruning program;