Preservation area definition

Preservation area means that portion of the Highlands Region
Preservation area means lands within the Highlands Region that are located in that portion designated by the Highlands Act as the “Preservation Area” (see metes and bounds description at N.J.S.A. 13:20-7b.)
Preservation area means that portion of the Highlands Region so designated by subsection

Examples of Preservation area in a sentence

  • The PO district will generally be mapped over property to track and maintain residential development density policies associated with the Farmland and Forest Preservation area within the Comprehensive Plan (repeated in Appendix E of this ordinance) or associated with the OAR zoning district within this Zoning Ordinance.

  • The language allows flexibility for the access easement in that it is not tied to a specific access easement so that at any given time, the property owners can work with MoDOT and make changes to the easement. Landscape: The Conditional Use Permit includes an exhibit identifying the Greenspace Preservation area.

  • The Act also creates the Highlands Water Protection and Planning Council, a public body charged with preparing a regional master plan for the Highlands' Preservation area and Planning Area.

  • Mr. Dillingham questioned 7b9 and stated that it needs clarification particularly regarding the Preservation area.

  • Unless direct charging can be justified in accordance with OMB Circular A-21, secretarial and administrative salaries, office supplies, and other costs identified as normally indirect in the University’s policies will be charged as indirect costs.

More Definitions of Preservation area

Preservation area means that portion of the Common Area, if any, which is intended to be preserved and maintained by the Association in its existing (or restored) natural and native condition in perpetuity.
Preservation area means that area of the Highlands Region defined at N.J.S.A. 13:20-3.
Preservation area means that portion of the Common Area, if any, which is intended to
Preservation area means that portion of the Highlands Region so designated by subsection b. of section 7 of this act;
Preservation area. The HSDRSS assumptions were used for this portion of the WVA. Removing cattle results in increased understory. BLH (Wet and Dry Restoration Areas): Pre-construction these areas were effectively drained by xxxxxx that emptied into a drainage ditch that bifurcates the site. These restoration areas were predominantly non-wet and there was no reason to assume they would have developed additional wetland characteristics. Classification: No Flow/exchange - permanently dewatered. Enhancement and Preservation Areas: Surface water would only be expected in brief periods and limited water exchange would be expected with other areas. Classification: Low Flow/exchange – Temporarily Flooded BLH (Wet Restoration Areas): According to the banking instrument, existing xxxxxx and other drainage features would be filled and/or rendered ineffective, allowing the area to naturally accumulate rainfall with some sheet flow. Surface water would only be expected in brief periods and limited water exchange would be expected with other areas. Classification: Low Flow/exchange – Temporarily Flooded BLH (Dry Restoration Area): Soils suggest these areas historically were not saturated enough to develop hydric conditions, so eliminating xxxxxx would likely not result is significant increases is surface water or water exchange. Classification: No Flow/exchange - permanently dewatered. Enhancement and Preservation Areas: Even with drainage xxxxxx removed on site, surface water would only be expected in brief periods and limited water exchange would be expected with other areas. Classification: Low Flow/exchange – Temporarily Flooded These values are for the entire site, including both restoration areas, the enhancement area, and the preservation area. Class 4 (> 100 and <500 acres): When evaluating V5, the existing pipeline ROW’s along the site’s eastern boundary are greater than 75 feet wide and therefore “disconnect” the addendum site from the existing bank acres. The addendum site is connected to greater than 100 acres of forested habitat to the west but less than 500 acres. The site will remain Class 4 (100.1 to 500 acres) once all restoration activities are concluded due to the pipeline ROW along the sites eastern boundary.
Preservation area is defined in Recitals paragraph B. “Prevailing Party” is defined in Section 18 hereof.
Preservation area means a geographic area designated in a growth policy and in cluster development subdivision regulations within which transferable development rights may be granted for preservation of agricultural or open space land pursuant to [section 9].