Administrative law judge means an individual or an agency
Presiding Judge means the Presiding Judge of the Court;
Hearing Officer means any individual or board charged with the duty of rendering decisions at any stage on grievances hereunder.
Solvency II Directive means Directive 2009/138/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of the European Union of 25 November 2009 on the taking-up and pursuit of the business of insurance and reinsurance (Solvency II);
Appellate Decision-maker means a person who considers and decides appeals of determinations regarding responsibility and dismissals of formal complaints. The Appellate Decision-maker cannot be the same person as the Title IX Coordinator, Investigator, or Decision-maker. The Appellate Decision-maker may be a school district employee, or a third party designated by the school district.
County Political Party Committee means a committee organized pursuant to N.J.S.A. 19:5-3.
Presiding officer means the labor commissioner or designee.
Final administrative decision means a decision by an agency
adjudicating officer means the adjudicating officer appointed under sub-section (1) of section 71;
Certified nurse practitioner means an ARNP educated in the disciplines of nursing who has advanced knowledge of nursing, physical and psychosocial assessment, appropriate interventions, and management of health care, and who possesses evidence of current certification by a national professional nursing association approved by the board.
Judicial Council’s Master Account means the Judicial Council’s billing account to which the Contractor is authorized to charge specifically identified charges under this Agreement.
Administrative hearing means a type of hearing that an appellant may elect in which the presiding officer reviews the written record only and makes a decision based on the facts available within the appeal file. An administrative hearing does not require an in-person or teleconference hearing. The final determination to establish whether an administrative hearing may be held will be made by the appeals section or the presiding officer.
Hearing Board means the shoreline hearings board established by this chapter.
Hearing examiner means the labor commissioner or the commissioner’s designee.
Participating Certified Nurse Practitioner means a Certified Nurse Practitioner who has a written agreement with the Claim Administrator or another Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan to provide services to you at the time services are rendered.
Non-Participating Certified Nurse Practitioner means a Certified Nurse Practitioner who does not have a written agreement with the Claim Administrator or another Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan to provide services to you at the time services are rendered.
Administrative Action has the meaning set forth in paragraph 4(a) of Annex I.
Foreign professional corporation means a professional corporation organized under laws other than the laws of this state.
Labor law decision means an administrative merits determination, arbitral award or decision, or civil judgment, which resulted from a violation of one or more of the laws listed in the definition of “labor laws”.
Administrative Safeguards are administrative actions, and policies and procedures, to manage the selection, development, implementation, and maintenance of security measures to protect electronic PHI and to manage the conduct of Contractor’s workforce in relation to the protection of that information.
competent institution means, in relation to Japan, any of the insurance institutions, or any association thereof, responsible for the operation of the Japanese pension systems specified in paragraph 1(a) of Article 2.
Grievance Committee means the Grievance Committee of the Bar.
Assistant Finance Director means the Assistant Finance Director or designee.
Advance directive means a document that contains a health care instruction or a power of attorney for health care.
the We Love Manchester Emergency Fund means the registered charity of that name (number 1173260) established on 30th May 2017;
Permanency hearing means a hearing, conducted with respect to a child who is in foster care, to determine the permanency plan for the child which includes: