Pribilof Islands definition
Examples of Pribilof Islands in a sentence
Payments to U.S. citizens of Japanese ancestry and permanent resident Japanese aliens or their survivors and Aleut residents of the Pribilof Islands and the Aleutian Islands West of Unimak Island are excluded from income and resources.
Subject to the availability of appropriations, the Secretary shall provide assistance to the State of Alaska for designing, locating, con- structing, redeveloping, permitting, or certify- ing solid waste management facilities on the Pribilof Islands to be operated under permits issued to the City of St. George and the City of St. Paul, Alaska, by the State of Alaska under section 46.03.100 of the Alaska Statutes.
There is established in the Treasury of the United States the Aleutian and Pribilof Islands Restitution Fund, which shall be administered by the Secretary.
Civil service retirement benefits(a) Credit for services performed by nativesService by natives of the Pribilof Islands en- gaged in the taking and curing of fur seal skins and other activities in connection with the ad- ministration of such islands prior to January 1, 1950, as determined by the Secretary based on records available to him, shall be considered for purposes of credit under subchapter III of chap- ter 83 of title 5 as civilian service performed by an employee, as defined in said subchapter.
The Pribilovians who engage in the harvest of seals are required to cooperate with scientists engaged in fur seal research on the Pribilof Islands who may need assistance in recording tag or other data and collecting tissue or other fur seal samples for research purposes.
Berardius bairdii)Baird’s beaked whale has a fairly extensive range across the North Pacific north of 30˚N, and strandings have occurred as far north as the Pribilof Islands (Rice 1986).
The Eastern Pacific stock ranges from the Pribilof Islands and Bogoslof Island in the Bering Sea during summer to California during winter (Muto et al.
During the breeding season, most of the worldwide population of northern fur seals inhabits the Pribilof Islands in the southern Bering Sea (Lee et al.
Stable isotope analyses of epidermis from killer (Alaska), gray (Russia and Alaska) and minke (Aleutian Islands) whales, as well as muscle from northern fur seals (Pribilof Islands) and Steller sea lions (Alaska), were conducted on lipid-extracted tissues as described previously (Herman et al., 2005).
In the Bering Sea, red king crab are found near the Pribilof Islands and east through Bristol Bay; but north of Bristol Bay (58 degrees 39 minutes) they are associated with the mainland of Alaska and do not extend to offshore islands such as St. Matthew or St. Laurence Islands.