Examples of Priced Bill of Quantities in a sentence
We hereby agree to submit the signed and stamped copy of the technical Bid and Priced Bill of Quantities, which shall form part of the agreement, if I/ we become L-1 bidder in the tendering process.
The Priced Bill of Quantities (Annexure 1), Format of Certificate (Annexure 2) and Specification and Drawings (Annexure 3) are attached.
An items or commodities not stated in the Priced Bill of Quantities shall be considered as uncovered by the Bid.
The terms and conditions contained in the following documents are deemed to form part of this Agreement, namely, the Tender document including the Notice Inviting Tender, General Conditions, Special Conditions, the Specifications, the Priced Bill of Quantities, the Schedule of rates and prices, and the Drawings mentioned in the Specifications.
The following documents form part of this Agreement, viz.: - Conditions of Contract; Parts I and II- Specifications;- Priced Bill of Quantities;- Letter of Acceptance;- Form of Tender- Drawings;- Appendix to the Form of Agreement- Schedule Of Supplementary Information- Other Documents/Materials/Conditions agreed and documented.
The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as part of this Agreement, viz.:- The said BID dated …………………………...-The Conditions of Contract- The Standard and Special Specifications- The Priced Bill of Quantities- The Letter of Acceptance- Schedules of Supplementary Information-The Drawings-Other documents as may be agreed and listedAll aforesaid documents are hereinafter referred to as "The Contract".
The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as part of this Agreement, viz.: The said BID dated - Conditions of Contract; Parts I and II- The Standard and Special Specifications;- Priced Bill of Quantities;- Letter of Acceptance;- Form of Tender- Drawings;- Appendix to the Form of Agreement- Schedule Of Supplementary Information- Other Documents/Materials/Conditions agreed and documented.
Documents comprising the Bid 11.1 The original and copy(ies) of Bid submitted by the Bidder shall comprise the following: (a) The Bid form (in the format indicated in Section IV – Forms of Bid, Qualification Information, Letter of Acceptance, and Contract); (b) License and certificate (c) Bid Security in accordance with Clause 19; (d) Priced Bill of Quantities; (e) and any other materials required to be completed and submitted by Bidders, as specified in the BDS.
The Priced Bill of Quantities (Annexure 1) and Specification and Drawings (Annexure 2) are attached.
Priced Bill of Quantities Irrespective of the mode of submission selected, the following documents will have to be submitted on paper.• Bid Security or EMD• Documents to be furnished by the bidder in compliance to section 2 that have not been submitted online, specifically Certificates, undertakings, affidavits as specified in Section 2 shall be prepared by the bidder and furnished in duplicate (refer clause 12) in A-4 size paper in a binding form and not in loose forms.