Examples of Primary Annuitant in a sentence
After the death of the Primary Annuitant, periodic payments are based on the life of the secondary Annuitant named in the election if and so long as such secondary Annuitant lives.
Payments made based on the life of the secondary Annuitant may be in installments equal to 50%, 66-2/3% or 100% (as specified in the election) of the original payment amount payable during the lifetime of the Primary Annuitant.
Periodic payments are made to the designated payee during the lifetime of the Primary Annuitant.
If you elect a reduced payment based on the life of the secondary Annuitant, fixed annuity payments will be equal to 50% or 66-2/3% of the original fixed payment payable during the lifetime of the Primary Annuitant.
The number of Annuity Units in each Subaccount will not change unless exchanges of Annuity Units are made (or if the Joint and Survivor Annuity Option is elected and the Primary Annuitant dies first), but the Annuity Unit Value of those Annuity Units will vary.