Primary association definition

Primary association means the use of a habitat area by a listed or priority species for breeding/spawning, rearing young, resting, roosting, feeding, foraging, and/or migrating on a frequent and/or regular basis during the appropriate season(s) as well as habitats that are used less frequently/regularly but which provide for essential life cycle functions such as breeding/nesting/spawning.
Primary association means the fundamental link between a species and land or aquatic area where anadromous fish, endangered, threatened or sensitive species breed or feed.
Primary association means the use of a habitat area by a species for breeding, nesting, rearing young, roosting, feeding, or foraging on a regular basis.

Examples of Primary association in a sentence

  • See "Mitigation." Primary association means use of an area by a protected species for rearing young, roosting, breeding, or foraging on a regular basis during the appropriate season, as well as habitats that are used less frequently or regularly but which provide for essential life cycle functions.

  • The targeted segments are as follows: • Primary: association and government meetings.• Secondary: Incentive and Corporate Meetings.• Pioneering – exhibitions.

More Definitions of Primary association

Primary association means key habitat components that are critical to the life cycle of native wildlife species, i.e., nesting sites, wintering areas, and migration corridors. Loss of these values will result in fragmentation into subpopulations or extinction of populations from local areas.
Primary association means a primary habitat area used by federally or state listed endangered, threatened, candidate, sensitive, and priority wildlife or plant species which, if altered, may reduce the likelihood that the species will maintain and reproduce over the long term.
Primary association means a relationship between a species and a habitat area whereby the species regularly uses or otherwise needs the habitat area to thrive.
Primary association means an area in which there is a high relative density or species richness, and the area is significant for providing breeding habitat, winter range, or movement corridors.
Primary association means key habitat components that are critical to the life cycle of native wildlife species, i.e., nesting sites, wintering areas, and migration corridors. Loss of these values will result in fragmentation into
Primary association means habitat that is used by a plant or animal species that is 10
Primary association means habitat used by a plant or animal species that is necessary for