Examples of Principal address in a sentence
The Principal address and records office of the Company is 700-1620 Dickson Ave., Kelowna, British Columbia, V1Y 9Y2.
Within 14 days of receiving the reports, the PLCB must post them on the internet for public view for a period of two years.
The Principal address of Green Harvest Asset Management is 110 Brewery Lane, Suite 501, Portsmouth, New Hampshire 03801.
In response, Cherkaoui sent a letter to Principal MacNeil complaining about Angell's letter and requesting that the Principal address it.
REFERENCE AND ADMINISTRATIVE DETAILSRegistered Charity number1125619 Principal address Photodermatology Unit 1st Floor, Counting House Guy's HospitalLondon SE1 9RT TrusteesDr. R P E Sarkany Mrs M NewlandsDr S Spence (Nee Walker) Dr H FassihiJ Melbourne Independent examinerA C D Lang Sandison Lang & Co 2 St Marys Road TonbridgeKent TN9 2LB STRUCTURE, GOVERNANCE AND MANAGEMENTGoverning documentThe charity is controlled by its governing document, a deed of trust, and constitutes an unincorporated charity.