Permission to Contact Sample Clauses
Permission to Contact. When you give us your home, mobile, work and/or other phone number, we have your permission to contact you at that number or numbers, and any other number we believe we may reach you through (unless prohibited by applicable law), about your Prosper accounts. Your consent allows us to use text messaging, artificial or prerecorded voice messages and automatic dialing technology, for all purposes not prohibited by applicable law. Message and data rates may apply. You may contact us anytime to change these preferences. We may also send an email to any address where we reasonably believe we can contact you. Some of the purposes for calls and messages include: obtaining information; transactions on or servicing of your account; and collecting on your account. Our rights under this Section extend to our affiliates, subsidiaries, parents, agents and vendors. Notify us immediately of any changes to your contact information by changing your contact information on your Prosper account information – settings page.
Permission to Contact. When you give us your home and/or mobile phone number, we have your permission to contact you at that number or numbers, and any other number we believe we may reach you through (unless prohibited by applicable law), about your Prosper accounts. Your consent allows us to use text messaging, artificial or prerecorded voice messages and automatic dialing technology, for all purposes not prohibited by applicable law. Message and data rates may apply. You may contact us anytime to change these preferences. We may also send an email to any address where we reasonably believe we can contact you. Some of the purposes for calls and messages include: suspected fraud or identity theft; obtaining information; transactions on or servicing of your account; and collecting on your account. Our rights under this Section extend to our affiliates, subsidiaries, parents, agents, vendors, and anyone so affiliated with the owner of any note evidencing a loan you obtain. Notify us immediately of any changes to your contact information by changing your contact information on your Prosper account information – settings page.
Permission to Contact. When you give us your contact information (including but not limited to home and/or mobile phone number, work phone number, address and email address), we have your permission to contact you at any of those numbers or addresses, and any other number, address or email address that you provide in the future or that we believe we may reach you through (unless prohibited by applicable law), about your Prosper accounts. Your consent allows us to use written, electronic or verbal means to contact you, including but not limited to text messaging, artificial or prerecorded voice messages, automatic dialing technology and emails, for all purposes not prohibited by applicable law. Message and data rates may apply. Some of the purposes for calls and messages include (but are not limited to): suspected fraud or identity theft; obtaining information; transactions on or servicing of your account; and collecting on your account. Our rights under this Section extend to our affiliates, subsidiaries, parents, agents, vendors, and anyone so affiliated with the owner of any note evidencing a loan you obtain. Notify us immediately of any changes to your contact information by changing your contact information on your Prosper account information – settings page.
Permission to Contact. You agree, in order for us to service your Account or to collect any amounts you may owe, we may contact you by telephone at any telephone number associated with your Account, including cell/wireless telephone numbers, which could result in charges to you. We may also contact you by sending text messages or emails, using any telephone number or email address you provide to us. You consent and acknowledge that methods of contact may include using pre-recorded/artificial voice message(s) and/or use of an automatic dialing device. You further consent and agree that our personnel may listen to and/or record phone calls between you and our representatives without additional notice to you, including but not limited to calls we make to service your Account or collect debt(s).
Permission to Contact. Discuss scenarios in which student requests host family to contact legal guardians/parents or agents. (Medical issues? Non-compliant with host home? Damages to home? Other?) Guardian phone number/email: Agent phone number/email: Student: Cell: Email: I agree to abide by this Homestay Agreement. Student Signature: Date: Name: Cell: Email: Name: Cell: Email: Homestay Family Signature: Date: Global Education HOMESTAY SECURITY DEPOSIT Students who are a part of the CCS International Homestay Program have signed the Homestay Student Application and have agreed to the Student’s Rights and Responsibilities. These include the following requirements: • Respect and follow the guidelines and rules of the Homestay family. • Pay for any damage the student, or the student’s guests, cause to the family home or property. • Pay all personal bills and obligations. • Pay the Homestay fee on the 1st of every month. • Notify the family and the Homestay Office prior to moving out, giving 30-day notice. The Homestay Office requests that all students place a Security Deposit with their host family, to demonstrate the student’s commitment to these guidelines. Students who comply with the program will receive these funds, in full, at the conclusion of the Homestay. Funds may be used by families, with Homestay Office approval, for the following reasons: • Damage to host home or property • Unpaid bills or obligations to the host family • Unpaid monthly fee • Moving out of Homestay without giving 30-day notice • Cleaning fees (see Move Out Form for cleaning instructions)
Permission to Contact. When you give us your home and/or mobile phone number, we have your permission to contact you at that number or numbers, and any other number we believe we may reach you through (unless prohibited by applicable law), about your Prosper accounts. Your consent allows us to use text messaging, artificial or prerecorded voice messages and automatic dialing technology, for all purposes not prohibited by applicable law. Message and data rates may apply. You may revoke this consent at any time by contacting Prosper by emailing us at or calling us at 1-866-615-6319. We may also send an email to any address where we reasonably believe we can contact you. Some of the purposes for calls and messages include: suspected fraud or identity theft; obtaining information; transactions on or servicing of your account; and collecting on your account. Our rights under this Section extend to our affiliates, subsidiaries, parents, agents, vendors, and anyone so affiliated with the owner of any note evidencing a loan you obtain. Notify us immediately of any changes to your contact information by changing your contact information on your Prosper account information – settings page.
Permission to Contact. When you give us your home and/or mobile phone number, you are giving us permission to contact you at that number or numbers, and any other number we believe we may reach you through (unless prohibited by applicable law), about your Raiseli accounts. Your consent allows us to use text messaging, artificial or prerecorded voice messages and automatic dialing technology, for all purposes not prohibited by applicable law. Message and data rates may apply. You may revoke this consent at any time by contacting Raiseli via email at or calling us at 0-000-000-0000. We may also send an email to any address where we reasonably believe we can contact you. Please note that if you revoke your consent, it will interfere with the administration of your account and may result in your account being terminated. Some of the purposes for calls and messages include: obtaining information; suspected fraud or identity theft; transactions on or servicing of your account; and collecting on your account. Our rights under this Section extend to our affiliates, subsidiaries, parents, agents, vendors, and anyone so affiliated with the owner of any note evidencing a loan you obtain. Notify us immediately of any changes to your contact information by changing your contact information on your Raiseli “Account – Settings” page.
Permission to Contact. Discuss scenarios in which student requests host family to contact legal guardians/parents or agents. (Medical issues? Non-compliant with host home? Damages to home? Other?)
Permission to Contact. When you give us your home and/or mobile phone number, we have your permission to contact you at that number or numbers about your Prosper accounts. Your consent allows us to use text messaging, artificial or prerecorded voice messages and automatic dialing technology, for all purposes not prohibited by applicable law. Message and data rates may apply. You may contact us anytime to change these preferences. We may also send an email to any address where we reasonably believe we can contact you. Some of the purposes for calls and messages include: suspected fraud or identity theft; obtaining information; transactions on or servicing of your account; and collecting on your account. Our rights under this Section extend to our affiliates, subsidiaries, parents, agents, vendors, and anyone so affiliated with the owner of any note evidencing a loan you obtain. Notify us immediately of any changes to your contact information by changing your contact information on your Prosper account information – settings page.
Permission to Contact. By signing this agreement, you hereby expressly authorize only Janguard to update you via mail or telephone at the address and number(s) provided or supplied above, irrespective of whether or not your telephone numbers appear in the national “Do Not Call” registry. The Customer may demand by letter or by phoning a senior manager that Xxxxxxxx discontinue contact at any time.