Examples of Principal Immigration Officer in a sentence
Personal Data will also be shared with the National Statistics Office, JobsPlus and with the Principal Immigration Officer.
As it is provided for in the law, Regulation 11(8) further specifies that in situations of detention lasting 6 months or more, this review process is obligatory and the Principal Immigration Officer is duty-bound to inform the Immigration Appeals Board of it, with the Board supervising the review.
The Principal Immigration Officer will issue the said order when the third country national constitutes an actual and sufficiently serious threat to the public policy or public security of Malta.51 Neither economic issues nor a disease contracted after the first residence permit was issued are justifiable grounds for expulsion.
Under this provision the Principal Immigration Officer recognises a decision of expulsion by another Member State and also takes the necessary measures to enforce such decisions.
Furthermore, the Principal Immigration Officer provides information to the immigrant on organisations or groups of persons that provide specific legal assistance and organisations that might be able to inform him / her of his / her rights, including health care, schooling and education to minors.
Ministry of Justice and Principal Immigration Officer (Reference Number 56/2007)18 on the 29th of November 2011, where the court held that due to deportation, the fundamental human rights of the immigrants were violated and thus they were compensated with the sum of €10,000.
The detention may be extended for a further five days under the authority of a more senior officer, that is to say, an official of, or above, the rank of Principal Immigration Officer or Assistant Commissioner of Police.
Particular concern is expressed at section 10 (2) (c) of the Immigration Act of the Laws of Tonga, according to which the right to marriage between a Tongan and a non-Tongan is conditioned by the written consent of the Principal Immigration Officer.
The amendments introduced the review, either on application by the detained individual or ex officio by the Principal Immigration Officer, of a person’s detention at reasonable intervals that shall not exceed 3 months.
Volatilization2425 was 0.276 ± 0.065 ng (x̅ m: 0.284 ng) at 15 °C, 5.55 ± 2.83 ng (x̅ m: 5.09 ng) at 25 °C,262827 and 2.37 ± 0.514 ng (x̅ m: 2.34 ng) at 35 °C.