Examples of Prior obligation in a sentence
Prior obligation and prerequisitesThe Government of Mongolia (GOM) will provide strategic oversight and coordination to ensure the use of best national and international practice and complementarities with other interventions in the field specific to this project.
Prior obligation of child support and spouse support actually paid pursuant to court or administrative order.9.5(9)i.
Prior obligation of child support and spouse support actually paid pursuant to court or administrative order.9.5(9) i.
Prior obligation of child support and spouse support actually paid pursuant to court or administrative order < >5.
MBTA Outstanding Debt – $5.2 billionComponents of MBTA Debt*Legal Commitments (Prior obligation and revenue bonds)Prior Obligations$1.3billion$1.7billion$2.2billionCapital Investment Program Revenue Bonds (Non-legal commitments)*Estimated Without debt relief or more pay-as-you-go revenues, the Authority will not be able to fund all the critical state of good repair projects needed to provide reliable service.