Examples of Priority Issue in a sentence
Under the Housing Priority Issue area, affordable rental housing was voted as the top spending priority in every workshop.
Tasks and activities in this section of the Annual Work Plan are intended to advance the goals, objectives, and milestones that address natural resources-related issues, as laid out in Priority Issue 2, Natural Resources, of the BRP.
A presentation to the Gulf of Mexico Alliance Habitat Conservation and Restoration Priority Issue Team.
The various activities that align with or are initiatives of City Vision are then presented by: • Site Analysis Maps that graphically present the Strategy recommendations and the Action Plan activities for each Vision Focus Areas, Investigation Areas and Priority Issue / Proposal; and • Activity Tables that outline the individual activities to be completed, the available resources, lead agency responsibility, partnerships and timeline.
If the Executive Director determines that a Priority Issue persists on an ongoing or periodic basis, the Executive Director may refer the matter to the respective municipality or regulatory agency or agencies, such as Maine DEP.
A presentation to the Gulf of Mexico Alliance Ecosystem Integration and Assessment Priority Issue Team.
DA is expected to provide housing services and resources to their community area, including their Ward and surrounding neighborhoods.
Reasons for Decision This decision links to the Community Strategy Priority Issue – A vision for Quality Environment: 1.
The County, with input from Local Solid Waste Staff, develops a Priority Issue Program to accomplish during the multi-year Master Plan reporting cycle.
Note that roman numeral I corresponds to MTC Priority Issue #1, and roman numeral II corresponds to MTC Priority Issue #5.