Examples of Private way in a sentence
Private way , 3.6 metres wide x 100 metres long, will be built to link the farm entrance and the Polytunnel location in next parcel of land supporting farming activities within this agricultural land unit.
Tavis Austin Director of Planning Development spoke to the reason he was addressing this issue and why the change is necessary Dave Senecal moved to authorize the Town Manager to sign “the Wolfeboro Acknowledgement Regarding Issuance of a Building Permit on a Private way and Ineligibility for Subdivision approval following ZBA action to approve a Special Exemption pursuant to section 175-55.1. Brad Harriman seconded the motion, all in favor, motion passed.
I received contact back from the Public Works Director and he has no concerns as long as there are no new cuts in Smith Wheel Road. With the submission of the maintenance agreement and Private way application, I believe the PB can make a final ruling on the proposal at the 12 January meeting.ITEM 6 – Pyle This is a new Conditional Use application.