Examples of Access Way in a sentence
Customer will compensate Crandall at the current water rate established for Customer Entities by the Board of Directors of NTMWD plus fifteen percent 15% ("Water Rate"), as such Water Rate may be changed from time to time, for an Annual Minimum of 18,250,000 gallons of water (a Daily Average of 50,000 gallons per day), regardless of whether said quantity is actually taken by Customer, and any water delivered in excess of the amount allowed for the Annual Minimum will also be purchased at the Water Rate.
The TMT Access Way will include a road and utility services to the TMT Observatory from existing services.
The vast majority of the Access Way route follows and goes over an existing single-lane, 4-wheel drive road that was previously developed for access to and testing of the 13N site in the 1960s.
The proposed Access Way will start at that point and extend to the TMT Observatory following either the existing 4-wheel drive road or the wider roads that serve the SMA facility.
Improvements in the Access Way will generally include a surface roadway and underground utilities.