Pro-Chancellor means the Pro-Chancellor of the University;
Pro-Chancellor means the Pro-Chancellor of the University; “statutes” means the statutes of the University;
Pro-Chancellor means any Pro-Chancellor of the University;
Examples of Pro-Chancellor in a sentence
Members: The Pro-Chancellor, the Vice-Chancellor, the Treasurer, and the President of the Open University Students’ Association.
He shall also exercise such other powers and perform such other duties of the Chancellor as the Chancellor may by order in writing delegate to the Pro-Chancellor, and such delegation may be subject to such restrictions and conditions as may be specified in such order.
Council Officers 2.1 Chair of the Council The Pro-Chancellor shall act as Chair of the Council (Statute 4(1)).
The Pro-Chancellor shall, in the absence of the Chancellor, preside at the Convocation of the University.
Dr Jennifer Alexander, Pro-Chancellor Ms Maxine BrennerMr Nicholas CarneyMr Matthew T.
More Definitions of Pro-Chancellor
Pro-Chancellor means the Pro-Chancellor as referred to in Section 19.
Pro-Chancellor means the “Pro-Chancellor” of the University;
Pro-Chancellor means the Pro-Chancellor as referred to in Section 23.
Pro-Chancellor means an Officer of the University with the title of Pro-Chancellor appointed in accordance with Regulation VI.
Pro-Chancellor means person appointed as Pro-Chancellor of the Deemed to be University.
Pro-Chancellor means the Pro-Chancellor of the University appointed under section 8;
Pro-Chancellor means the Pro-Chancellor of the Sarala Birla University; as appointed in Statute No. (5) under sub- section (k) of section (11) of this Act;