Product Differential definition

Product Differential means any Differential applicable to a relevant Pricing Benchmark except for the Current Month Pricing Benchmark for Crude Oil as shall be set forth on Schedule B and as may be adjusted from time to time pursuant to Section 7.4.
Product Differential means the price premium or discount associated with feedstock, product slate or product quality when the quality of the inventory is different than the specifications for the reference market price, as reasonably determined by Administrative Borrower from time to time.
Product Differential has the meaning set forth in the Confirmation, and if not set forth therein, means (i) if the Product is XXXX Rail 12500 CS, the “Final Monthly Average” for the month of delivery, as published by Xxxxx’x Coal Trader in the “OTC Broker Index” table for the coal product specification “XXXX 1% vs. Compliance spread”, or (ii) for all other Products, zero (0). Product Basis PRB 8800 or PRB 8800 Low Sulfur or PRB 8400 15,000 Tons (Effective 01/01/2011) 14,500 Tons XXXX Rail 12500 CS or XXXX Rail 12500 LS 11,000 Tons (Effective 01/01/2011) 10,000 Tons NYMEX Look-Alike 1,550 Tons EXHIBIT F TO THE MASTER COAL PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT SOURCE STANDARDS “XXXX–CSX Standard” means any rail loadout located on the CSX railroad within the Kanawha Rate District or the Big Xxxxx Rate District capable of loading 100 car/10,000 Ton Unit Trains in four hours or less.

Examples of Product Differential in a sentence

  • The first, Product Differential Advantage (F-1), denotes the likely advantage the product will enjoy in the market, largely because of its innovativeness and technology.

  • Figure 2 Product-Centered Marketing Product Differential Implementation determination Decision- level marketing Approach Problem Buyer The challenge for the seller is to lead the buyer through every step of the decision-making process with a thorough consideration of alter- native approaches that lead to the seller’s product as the logical choice.

  • Promptly after Aron has completed such calculation, it shall advise the Company in writing as to whether any Product Differential adjustments are appropriate and if so the amounts of such Product Differential adjustments.

More Definitions of Product Differential

Product Differential means any Differential applicable to a Current Month Pricing Benchmark except for the Current Month Pricing Benchmark for Crude Oil as shall be set forth on Schedule B and as may be adjusted from time to time pursuant to Section 7.4 .

Related to Product Differential

  • Interest Differential is defined in Section 3.4.

  • Price Differential with respect to any Transaction as of any date, the aggregate amount obtained by daily application of the Pricing Rate for such Transaction to the Purchase Price for such Transaction on a 360 day per year basis for the actual number of days during the period commencing on (and including) the Purchase Date for such Transaction and ending on (but excluding) the date of determination (reduced by any amount of such Price Differential previously paid by Seller to Buyer with respect to such Transaction);

  • Yield Differential has the meaning set forth in Section 2.14(e)(iii).

  • Differential is a salary allowance in addition to the basic rate or schedule based upon hours of employment.

  • Routine Patient Costs means all health care services that are otherwise covered under the Group Contract for the treatment of cancer or other Life-threatening Condition that is typically covered for a patient who is not enrolled in an Approved Clinical Trial.

  • Cost outlier means cases which have an extraordinarily high cost as established in 79.1(5)“f,” so as to be eligible for additional payments above and beyond the initial DRG payment.

  • Product Group or “the Group” means a group of lotteries that has joined together to offer a product pursuant to the terms of the Multi-State Lottery Agreement and the Product Group’s own rules.

  • Start-Up Costs means all fees, costs, and expenses incurred in connection with establishing the State Mitigation Trust and the Indian Tribe Mitigation Trust and setting them up for operation. Start-up costs shall not include the cost of premiums for insurance policies.

  • Assigned protection factor or "APF" means the expected workplace level of respiratory protection that would be provided by a properly functioning respirator or a class of respirators to properly fitted and trained users. Operationally, the inhaled concentration can be estimated by dividing the ambient airborne concentration by the APF.

  • Product Backlog means a list of those Stories that do not form part of the current Sprint Plan at that time and which are to form the subject of a future Sprint, either in the current Release at that time or a subsequent Release;

  • Fully Burdened Manufacturing Cost means, with respect to any Licensed Product supplied by or on behalf of NVCR to Zai hereunder if such Licensed Product (or any precursor or intermediate thereof) is manufactured by a Third Party manufacturer [***].

  • Cleanup costs means expenses (including but not limited to legal and professional fees) incurred in testing for, monitoring, cleaning up, removing, containing, treating, neutralizing, detoxifying or assessing the effects of Pollutants.

  • Yearly (1/Year) sampling frequency means the sampling shall be done in the month of September, unless specifically identified otherwise in the effluent limitations and monitoring requirements table.

  • Yearly (1/Year) sampling frequency means the sampling shall be done in the month of September, unless specifically identified otherwise in the effluent limitations and monitoring requirements table.

  • Manufacturing Costs means the costs of Processing that generate Manufacturing Proceeds received by Grantor.

  • CP Costs means, for each day, the sum of (i) discount or yield accrued on Pooled Commercial Paper on such day, plus (ii) any and all accrued commissions in respect of placement agents and Commercial Paper dealers, and issuing and paying agent fees incurred, in respect of such Pooled Commercial Paper for such day, plus (iii) other costs associated with funding small or odd-lot amounts with respect to all receivable purchase facilities which are funded by Pooled Commercial Paper for such day, minus (iv) any accrual of income net of expenses received on such day from investment of collections received under all receivable purchase facilities funded substantially with Pooled Commercial Paper, minus (v) any payment received on such day net of expenses in respect of Broken Funding Costs related to the prepayment of any Purchaser Interest of Conduit pursuant to the terms of any receivable purchase facilities funded substantially with Pooled Commercial Paper. In addition to the foregoing costs, if Seller shall request any Incremental Purchase during any period of time determined by the Agent in its sole discretion to result in incrementally higher CP Costs applicable to such Incremental Purchase, the Capital associated with any such Incremental Purchase shall, during such period, be deemed to be funded by Conduit in a special pool (which may include capital associated with other receivable purchase facilities) for purposes of determining such additional CP Costs applicable only to such special pool and charged each day during such period against such Capital.

  • COGS means the cost of goods sold as determined in accordance with U.S.GAAP;

  • Excess Costs means the additional costs, if any, which shall be

  • House dust mite product means a product whose label, packaging, or accompanying literature states that the product is suitable for use against house dust mites, but does not indicate that the product is suitable for use against ants, cockroaches, or other household crawling arthropods.

  • Breakage Costs shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.2.3(h) hereof.

  • Collective dose means the sum of the individual doses received in a given period of time by a specified population from exposure to a specified source of radiation.

  • Manufacturing Cost means [***].

  • Third Party Payments means the payment made through instruments issued from an account other than that of the beneficiary investor mentioned in the application form. However, in case of payments from a joint bank account, the first named applicant/investor has to be one of the joint holders of the bank account from which payment is made.

  • Net salvage value means the salvage value of property retired less the cost of removal.

  • Approved Product means any water fitting, plumbing product, material or component which is the subject of an existing WRAS Approval;

  • product type means any of the following: