Product Error definition
Examples of Product Error in a sentence
PTV Support at a glance: • Any Product Error is to be reported to PTV’s global Helpdesk portal at xxxxx:// • Commercial questions or general queries at xxxxx:// Services provided by PTV beyond the scope of Product Support and Service Availability, for instance training, software development, consulting, etc, are not part of this SLA and shall be regulated by another specific agreement.
PTV Support at a glance: 🠶 Any Product Error is to be reported to PTV’s global Helpdesk portal under xxxxx:// 🠶 Commercial questions or general queries xxxxx:// Services provided by PTV beyond the scope of Product Support and Service Availability, for instance training, software development, consulting, etc, are not part of this SLA and shall be regulated by another specific agreement.
So long as Annual Support is in effect for a customer, if Baxa reports an alleged Product Error to CDEX, CDEX will perform issux xxalysis to determine whether such alleged Error is, in fact, an Error.
An Error is either a Product Error (or “Product fault”, “Product failure”, etc.) eligible to Product Support as defined in section 3 or a Ser- vice Error (or “Service fault”, “Service failure”, etc.) eligible to Service Availability as de- fined in section 4.
PTV Support at a glance: • Any Product Error is to be reported to PTV Logistics’ Global Help Desk Portal at xxxxx:// • Commercial questions or general queries at Services provided by PTV beyond the scope of Product Support and Service Availability, for instance training, software development, consulting, etc, are not part of this SLA and shall be regulated by another specific agreement.
Information and analysis parameters associated with statistical areas and conservation units are kept in the [LOOKUP StatArea] and [LOOKUP CU] tables (Table 5-8 and Table 5-9 respectively).
Bookmark not defined.Price Schedule: Goods Manufactured outside Mauritius already imported Error!Bookmark not defined.Price Schedule : Goods Manufactured in Mauritius Error! Bookmark not defined.Price and Completion Schedule - Related Services Error! Bookmark not defined.Bid Security (Bank Guarantee) Error! Bookmark not defined.Manufacturer’s Authorization 46Cost Structure for Value Added Calculation per Product Error! Bookmark not defined.
CertiPath may correct such Product Error solely by amending the Product Documentation, or by fixing the Product Error in the current release of the Product.
CertiPath may correct such Product Error solely by amending the Product Documentation, as necessary.
Section 6.01 Copyrights and Ownership of Work Product Error! Bookmark not defined.Section 6.02 Patents and Inventions Error! Bookmark not defined.Section 6.03 Pre-existing Rights Error! Bookmark not defined.Section 6.04 Antitrust Error! Bookmark not defined.