Production item definition
Examples of Production item in a sentence
ActivityresourcesProduction (item1) Set-up Production (item 2)schedule.
National stock number and Production item specification do not apply to this project, as the fuel cell system is a developmental item.
Omit “Correctional centres;;” from Zone RU1 Primary Production, item 4.
For example, the failure of one component of a redundant high availability configuration is an incident even though it does not interrupt service.An incident occurs when the operational status of a Production item changes from working to failing or about to fail, resulting in a condition in which the item is not functioning as it was designed or implemented.
Price: The Adjusted Average Value per pound for the type from the Summary of Harvested Production, item 21, to three decimal places.
On the other side, because all the variables andconstraints are posted beforehand we may use popular and very efficient local search algorithms here.ActivityresourcesProduction (item1) Set-up Production (item 2)implementation also show some interesting results concerning efficiency of the system.
Insert instead “ratio”.52.2Camden Local Environmental Plan 2010 6[1]Land Use Table7 Omit “Correctional centres;;” from Zone RU1 Primary Production, item 4.8 Insert instead “Correctional centres;”.9[2]Land Use Table, Zone RU2 Rural Landscape, item 410 Omit “Crematoria;;”.
Activity resourcesempty Production (item1) Storing (item 1) Set-up Production (item 2) Storing (items 1&2) Event Time point No productionStart-upProduction (item4) timeTime slice Fig.
As described in more details in [22], the set of high level concepts needed to represent the product lifecycle management knowledge of a company are the following.• Production item: either a product or a product component.
An incident occurs when the operational status of a Production item changes from working to failing or about to fail, resulting in a condition in which the item is not functioning as it was designed or implemented.