Examples of Project fuel in a sentence
Borrower shall have provided to Administrative Agent a plan setting forth such Project's procedures for operating the Project, fuel procurement and power marketing in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to Administrative Agent.
As demonstrated in Exhibit Z-7, rolling in the Project fuel and electric power costs as well asthe incremental Project volumes into Tennessee’s fuel tracker will not negatively impact Tennessee’s existing shippers.
As discussed in Section 4.5.6 of Addendum February 2019, Project fuel use during construction will be minimized through idling limits, use of alternatively- fueled vehicles; and best available engineering, construction, design, and operating practices.
Thus, it is appropriate to roll-in the Project fuel and electric power costs into the fuel tracker.In the attached Exhibit P, Tennessee is submitting pro forma Tariff sheets, Sheet Nos.
Project fuel consumptionYear(3) Project fuel consumption (TJ):LCyymf1 ymf2 ymf3 ymf4 ymf5 ….
Every fiction writer knows his creation is in some sense ‘false.’ That is the nature of the art.”246 Once falsity is established, courts ask whether the speaker showed a “reckless disregard” for the truth,247 meaning that she told a “known lie”248 or “calculated falsehood.”249 Again, these regions.
Id. at 4-40 (“Based on the Applicant’s information provided describing the South Project, fuel combustion and oil shale mining operations would constitute the primary GHG emissions sources.”).
In that regard, the Commission noted that Maritimes never informed the Commission in Maritimes’ Phase IV Expansion certificate application proceeding that the project would result in additional fuel costs being imposed on Portland or its shippers and, if it had, the Commission would have conditioned the certificate on Maritimes allocating all of Maritimes’ Phase IV Expansion Project fuel to Maritimes’ own customers.II.
The Commission stated that, if the Commission had prior knowledge of Maritimes’ position on fuel, the Commission would have conditioned the authorization of Maritimes’ Phase IV Expansion Project on Maritimes allocating all Phase IV Expansion Project fuel costs to its own customers; otherwise, the project would not have passed the Commission’s threshold requirement under the no-subsidization requirement of the Certificate Policy Statement.
Payments: BWP would be obligated to pay, for each month during the Operational Period, BWP’s (a) generation cost share multiplied by the monthly power costs for such month, (b) NTS cost share multiplied by the monthly power costs for such month, (c) STS cost share multiplied by the monthly power costs for such month, and (d) proportion in the variable cost component for Project fuel used.