Examples of Propane Tanks in a sentence
Delivered to the ACUA Landfill at a reduced rate.o Propane Tanks (must be empty 20 to 30 lb tanks).
Contact your Property Manager for a list of approved vendors.• Oil & Propane Tanks: Oil and propane tanks must be full at the time of inspection.
Resort Homes/Park Homes - Propane Tanks are allowed when installing a Whole House Generator to your home either underground or above ground.
Propane Tanks are shut off and clear of luggage and garbage – so that we can access.4. Hot Tub drained.
Rules for Propane Tanks: Scranton Fire Officials will inspect for safety prior to the opening of the Fairgrounds.
HUD’s Office of Environment and Energy has issued Fact Sheet #H1, Hazardous Operations – FR-6054-F-02 Conforming the Acceptable Separation Distance (ASD) Standards for Residential Propane Tanks to Industry Standards, which is available on HUD Exchange (here).
Street or P.O. Box City State Zip Contact Telephone Fax The customer hereby agrees to have his Propane Tank(s) filled as needed at the convenience of the distributor.
Our Permitting Process for Propane Tanks and Emergency Generators.Ms. Malanca explained how the Zoning Regulations currently require propane tanks and generators to meet setbacks.
TRANSFER STATION REPORT: The Transfer Station deposited a total of $8,458.00 for the month of MAY 2019 and a total of $7,482.00 for the month of JUNE 2019MAYBags: $5,446 C&D: $2,547 Metal: $ 53 Tires: $102 Stickers: $125 Appl.: $35 Propane Tanks: $10 Electronics: $140 JUNEBags: $5,132 C&D: $1,799 Metal: $ 10 Tires: $321Stickers: $25 Appl.: $75 Propane Tanks: $0 Electronics: $120W.
Information from subtests on the WAIS-III or the Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Cognitive Ability as well as other instruments relevant to the presenting learning problem(s) may be used to address these areas.