Examples of Prospect in a sentence
At the Lockington East Prospect in EL 4554,168 AC holes were drilled between X’Xxxxxxx Road and Whinfield Road.
All rights, title and interest (including all Intellectual Property Rights) in and to the Prospect Materials (including templates and policies), shall vest in Coremont immediately upon their creation and become the absolute and exclusive property of Coremont (or its nominee).
The Landscape Architect understands that the project is to provide a revised concept plan and cost estimate for improvements at Prospect Park, a portion of the South Rim Park Complex, along the Open Cut in Lead, SD.
Coremont hereby grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, revocable, non-transferable licence to use the Prospect Materials during the Trial Period in accordance with this Agreement.
Workato will use Lead Data for the purposes herein, including as necessary for managing and evaluating the Prospects, exploring a possible business opportunity of mutual interest between Workato and the Prospect, or providing the Workato Platform to the Prospects.