Examples of Prospecting in a sentence
PAGE 57 10/01/18 Replace the second sentence of the first paragraph with the following: If exercising the Department’s option to purchase materials under the terms and conditions provided in the option, notify in writing the surface owner, material owner, the Engineer, and the Gravel Prospecting Coordinator at Materials and Research Division.
PAGE 57 10/01/18Replace the first paragraph with the following: If electing to purchase material from a Department owned source, notify the Engineer and Gravel Prospecting Coordinator at Materials and Research Division in writing.
PAGE 57 10/1/18 Replace the first paragraph with the following: If electing to purchase material from a Department owned source, notify the Engineer and Gravel Prospecting Coordinator at Materials and Research Division in writing.
Confirm that the amount, is anticipated to be an operating cost and is provided for as such in the Mining work programme, Financial and Technical Competence Report or Prospecting Work Programme as the case may be).
The Prospecting Bidder shall participate through online www.eprocurement.gov.in website and Tender Schedule details specifying various terms and conditions of the above tenders can also be downloaded from the above website.