Prospecting definition

Prospecting means activities considered normal and reasonably necessary to retrieve samples of subsurface geologic sediments for the specific purpose of locating, mapping, and determining the quality and quantity of sedimentary strata or natural deposits.
Prospecting means the act of searching for or investigating a mineral deposit. "Prospecting" includes, but is not limited to, sinking shafts, tunneling, drilling core and bore holes and digging pits or cuts and other works for the purpose of extracting samples prior to commencement of development or extraction operations, and the building of roads, access ways, and other facilities related to such work. The term does not include those activities which cause no or very little surface disturbance, such as airborne surveys and photographs, use of instruments or devices which are hand carried or otherwise transported over the surface to make magnetic, radioactive, or other tests and measurements, boundary or claim surveying, location work, or other work which causes no greater land disturbance than is caused by ordinary lawful use of the land by persons not prospecting. The term also does not include any single activity which results in the disturbance of a single block of land totaling one thousand six hundred square feet or less of the land's surface, not to exceed two such disturbances per acre; except that the cumulative total of such disturbances will not exceed five acres statewide in any prospecting operation extending over twenty-four consecutive months.
Prospecting means intentionally searching for any mineral by means of any method-

Examples of Prospecting in a sentence

  • PAGE 57 10/01/18 Replace the second sentence of the first paragraph with the following: If exercising the Department’s option to purchase materials under the terms and conditions provided in the option, notify in writing the surface owner, material owner, the Engineer, and the Gravel Prospecting Coordinator at Materials and Research Division.

  • PAGE 57 10/01/18Replace the first paragraph with the following: If electing to purchase material from a Department owned source, notify the Engineer and Gravel Prospecting Coordinator at Materials and Research Division in writing.

  • PAGE 57 10/1/18 Replace the first paragraph with the following: If electing to purchase material from a Department owned source, notify the Engineer and Gravel Prospecting Coordinator at Materials and Research Division in writing.

  • Confirm that the amount, is anticipated to be an operating cost and is provided for as such in the Mining work programme, Financial and Technical Competence Report or Prospecting Work Programme as the case may be).

  • The Prospecting Bidder shall participate through online website and Tender Schedule details specifying various terms and conditions of the above tenders can also be downloaded from the above website.

More Definitions of Prospecting

Prospecting means engaging in the examination of an area for the
Prospecting means searching or exploring for samples of gold, silver or other precious minerals, using nonmotorized methods, from among small quantities of aggregate.
Prospecting means the search for deposits of polymetallic nodules in the Area, including estimation of the composition, sizes and distributions of deposits of polymetallic nodules and their economic values, without any exclusive rights;
Prospecting means intentionally searching, whether by way of excavations or otherwise, for any mineral or group of minerals with a view to delineating or evaluating deposits or concentrations of any such mineral or group of minerals, but does not include “mining”;
Prospecting means to search or explore for samples of gold, silver or other precious minerals, using nonmotorized methods, from among small quantities of aggregate.
Prospecting means the search for deposits of polymetallic sulphides in the Area, including estimation of the composition, sizes and distributions of deposits of polymetallic sulphides and their economic values, without any exclusive rights;
Prospecting means the search for deposits of cobalt crusts in the Area, including estimation of the composition, sizes and distributions of deposits of cobalt crusts and their economic values, without any exclusive rights;