Examples of Provider Enrollment in a sentence
The enrollment effective date cannot be prior to the date the completed application was received by the MMAC Provider Enrollment office.
Information regarding enrollment as a “Non-Billing MO HealthNet Provider” can be obtained by contacting the Provider Enrollment Unit at: mmac.providerenrollment@dss.mo.gov.2.1.C PROVIDER ENROLLMENT ADDRESSSpecific information about MO HealthNet participation requirements and enrollment can be obtained from:Provider Enrollment UnitMissouri Medicaid Audit and Compliance UnitP.
A provider must notify the Provider Enrollment Unit of any changes affecting the provider’s enrollment records within ninety (90) days of the change, in writing, using the appropriate enrollment forms specified by the Provider Enrollment Unit, with the exception of a change in ownership or control of any provider.
The Provider Enrollment Unit is responsible for determining whether a current MO HealthNet provider record should be updated or a new MO HealthNet provider record should be created.
The MCE will be responsible for OTP services provided by the provider type Addictions Provider and the provider specialty OTP as defined in the IHCP Provider Enrollment Type and Specialty Matrix.