Personal Support Sample Clauses

Personal Support. 16.1 The Service Users should be actively involved in determining their own routines for what they do and when they do it. They must be consulted about any changes which affect them. 16.2 Whilst the Service Provider and its employees must be concerned to maintain the independence of each service user they will recognise that physical help with bathing, using the toilet, meals and other functions may be required in some cases. The Service Provider will provide such assistance in a manner that minimises dependence, preserves privacy and maintains the dignity of the users. 16.3 The Service Provider will ensure that the inequalities in health care are minimised by ensuring that: • all individuals are supported by the Service Provider in offering support/carrying out the identification of their health care needs • assistance is provided to the individual to reflect what is in the Health Action Plan • training is facilitated as required to ensure that individuals and staff have the required competencies to meet individual need • training is purchased as required to ensure that individuals and staff have the required competencies to meet individual need 16.4 The Service Provider will ensure that any medication used by the service user is handled, administered and stored with due regard for the safety and well-being of the individual and in line with the Council’s current policy in relation to the administration of medication. (Appendix 5) 16.5 The Service Provider will ensure that service users have access to leisure and recreational facilities, and educational and employment opportunities. 16.6 The activities that service users do during the day should have developing relationships as a key aim, and should be designed and supported accordingly. 16.7 The Service Provider will, wherever possible, seek to find and develop natural and informal support arrangements (the task of the service becomes one of co-ordinating and nurturing, rather than exclusively providing, the range of support). 16.8 Service users should be supported in maintaining contact (or renewing contact) with family members. Existing relationships should be respected and sustained. 16.9 Service users should be encouraged to self-advocate, or if they wish, to appoint an advocate to support them. Service users should be given privacy to see their representatives as and when they choose. 16.10 Where services are provided within an individuals house staff should eat meals with the service users unless t...
Personal Support. Social isolating or distancing can have an impact on our mental health. For information on self-care and other treatments for mental health issues please see: xxxxx:// The University and the Professional Pathways team can offer initial support. For more specialist support you may be eligible to access the university’s Student Wellbeing services or the University’s Staff Wellbeing services.
Personal Support. An employee may appoint another person, organisation or association to accompany or represent him or her at any stage of the review process. This assistance may include acting as an advocate, and representatives will be dealt with in good faith. An employee is entitled to request an internal review of certain decisions/actions that relate to their employment under Section 33 of the Public Service Act 1999 and Part 5 of the Public Service Regulations 1999. Other than in exceptional circumstances, which explain the reason for the delay, the request for review must be made within twelve (12) months of the decision being made or the action occurring. An employee is encouraged to discuss any matter affecting him or her with the Chief Executive before lodging an application for review under the Public Service Act 1999 and the Public Service Regulations 1999. An application must be made in writing to the Chief Executive, who will consider whether the primary review is one which should be undertaken within the Authority or referred to the Merit Protection Commissioner (MPC) in accordance with Regulation 5.25 of the Public Service Regulations 1999. Under some circumstances an employee may apply directly to the MPC for review of the action. If the Chief Executive is satisfied that the primary review should be undertaken within the Authority, the Chief Executive will: appoint a Review Officer to: inquire into the matter; if appropriate, seek to resolve the matter by conciliation or mediation; where conciliation or mediation is not successful or appropriate, prepare a written report which includes the findings and recommendation(s) for the Chief Executive; provide the employee with a copy of the report; provide the employee with an opportunity to respond to the report; and determine the outcome of the matter having regard to the content of the report and any submission made by the employee in response to the report. The Authority will be guided by the following in handling any complaints referred to in Clause 10.6 above: the case will be dealt with as expeditiously as possible; the employee making the complaint will be required to specify the outcome(s) sought; the employee making the complaint has a right to a fair hearing (i.e. proper consideration of the complaint by an unbiased person); where the complaint criticises another Authority employee on a matter relevant to the complaint, that other Authority employee will be given an opportunity to comment if the critic...
Personal Support. Emotional support and companionship during your stay.
Personal Support. Social isolating or distancing can have an impact on our mental health. For information on self-care and other treatments for mental health issues please see: xxxxx:// Do you think your employer could support you through this time? There may be HR policies and services available to you through your company. If not, would you feel able to discuss how your employer could support you? Ask to schedule a convenient and confidential 1:1 meeting with your line manager to discuss. As an intern Xx XxXxxxxxx from the Internships Team could offer initial support. For more specialist support you may be eligible to access the university’s Student Wellbeing services or the University’s Staff Wellbeing services.
Personal Support. When and to the extent applicable pursuant to the type of License only, the Licensor shall provide personal Support upon the following terms and conditions, it being specified that the Licensor makes no warranties that the personal Support will resolve any particular Support request or that such resolution will meet Your requirements and/or expectations: a. Support will be provided by a dedicated email ticketing system. The Licensor will investigate promptly any questions or problems related to the Pix4D Software You may have, provided that adequate information is delivered to the Licensor (i) to assist the investigation, such as the nature of the problem, including any information reasonably necessary for diagnosis and correction, the operation or the serial of operations being performed by the Pix4D Software when the problem occurred, detailed description of the problem, its duration, any attempts made by You to resolve the problem, and, ultimately, (ii) to confirm that the questions have been answered and the problems solved. b. For the sake of clarity, the Licensor does not provide guaranteed response time but undertakes to make good faith efforts to answer e-mails within 24 (twenty-four) hours during workweek, excluding holidays. Further, the Support to be provided by the Licensor hereunder is limited to the most current version of the Pix4D Software. c. All Support requests must be submitted to our Support ticketing system available at xxxxx:// d. Certain operations recommended by the Licensor in answer to Your Support request may compromise the integrity of Your data. You are solely responsible for providing adequate and complete back-up of Your data at all times and the Licensor shall assume no liability in case of loss in the integrity for any reason whatsoever. e. The Licensor’s undertaking to provide Support is contingent upon Your proper Use of the Pix4D Software and full compliance with the XXXX. Moreover, the Licensor shall be under no obligation to provide Support should such services be required due to (i) failure to operate the Pix4D Software within the systems requirements and/or specifications as per Section 2.2, (ii) any modification or attempted modification of the Pix4D Software by You or any third party, or (iii) Your failure or refusal to implement operations recommended by the Licensor.
Personal Support. An employee may be accompanied by a person of their choice during any part of the proceedings. 402.10 Further information is contained in ARPANSA’s Underperformance Procedures. 403 Managing breaches of the APS Code of Conduct 403.1 Suspected breaches of the APS Code of Conduct will be dealt with under ARPANSA’s procedural requirements, established in accordance with section 15(3)(a) of the Public Service Act 1999 for determining whether an employee has breached the APS Code of Conduct. 403.2 Breaches of the APS Code of Conduct will be dealt with under ARPANSA’s procedural requirements, established in accordance with section 15(3)(b) of the Public Service Act 1999 for determining sanctions to be imposed for breaching the APS Code of Conduct. 404 Managing unauthorised absence from duty 404.1 The CEO may terminate, under sub-section 29(3)(c) of the Public Service Act 1999, the employment of an ongoing employee not subject to a probationary period, if the employee fails to provide just cause for: 1.1 a continuous unauthorised absence of 28 calendar days, or 404.1.2 unauthorised absences aggregating to 20 working days in a 12 month period. 404.2 The provisions applicable to an employee subject to a period of probation, in relation to termination of employment, are set out in sub-sections 22(6) and 29(3)(f) of the Public Service Act 1999. 405 ARPANSA recognises the importance of employees balancing their work and personal life. While it is acknowledged that at times it may be necessary for some extra hours being worked by some employees, this should be regarded as the exception rather than the rule. 406 When determining workloads for an employee or group of employees, ARPANSA will consider the need for employees to strike a balance between their work and personal life. 407 Where an employee or group of employees raise that they have experienced significant workload pressures over a prolonged period of time, ARPANSA and employee/s together must review the employees’ workloads and priorities, and determine appropriate strategies to manage the impact on the employee or group of employees. 408 ARPANSA recognises the role of relevant external studies in enhancing the knowledge and skills of employees and will build on the strengths of its study assistance scheme as articulated in the Studybank Guidelines. A range of support will be offered where studies are aligned with priorities identified in ARPANSA’s learning and development framework and are clearly linked to th...
Personal Support. An employee may be accompanied by a person of their choice during any part of the proceedings.

Related to Personal Support

  • Operational Support 2.1 Party A agrees, according to the operational needs of Party B, to act as the guarantor of Party B in the contracts, agreements, or transactions entered into between Party B and third parties, in order to fully guarantee the performance by Party B of such contracts, agreements, and transactions. 2.2 Party A agrees, according to the operational needs Party B, to recommend directors and senior management to Party B and Party B agrees to appoint such personnel recommended by Party A to be its directors and senior management. The relevant personnel recommended by Party A pursuant to this Article shall meet the qualification requirements for directors and senior management under applicable laws. 2.3 To ensure the performance of this Agreement, Party A agrees to provide to Party B cooperative policy advice and guidance, which is consistent with the daily operation and financial management and the employment policy of Party B.

  • Additional Support Under this Agreement, there shall be: (check one)

  • Technical Support State Street will provide technical support to assist the Fund in using the System and the Data Access Services. The total amount of technical support provided by State Street shall not exceed 10 resource days per year. State Street shall provide such additional technical support as is expressly set forth in the fee schedule in effect from time to time between the parties (the “Fee Schedule”). Technical support, including during installation and testing, is subject to the fees and other terms set forth in the Fee Schedule.

  • Operational Support Systems <<customer_name>> shall pay charges for Operational Support Systems (OSS) as set forth in this Agreement in Attachment 1 and/or in Attachments 2, 3 and 5, as applicable.

  • Personal Safety Internal source: Many situations produce anxiety, particularly when they are unfamiliar. How do you determine when your feelings are escalating and may be signaling actual danger? External source: What should I do if I feel threatened or if I believe I am in immediate danger? Students should identify and document important phone numbers and contact person(s).

  • Personal Services No employee shall be required to perform services of a personal nature.

  • Operational Support Systems (OSS The terms, conditions and rates for OSS are as set forth in Section 2.13 of this Attachment.

  • Personal Items In accordance with Departmental policy, employees will be reimbursed for personal items required on the job that are lost, damaged or destroyed in the line of duty. Reimbursement will be up to an amount of $100 per occurrence, excluding prescription eyewear.

  • Telephone Support The Fund Designated Persons may contact State Street’s HORIZONR Help Desk and Fund Assistance Center between the hours of 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. (Eastern time) on all business days for the purpose of obtaining answers to questions about the use of the System, or to report apparent problems with the System. From time to time, the Fund shall provide to State Street a list of persons who shall be permitted to contact State Street for assistance (such persons being referred to as the “Fund Designated Persons”).

  • Child Support (Applicable if the Party is a natural person, not a corporation or partnership.) Party states that, as of the date the Agreement is signed, he/she: a. is not under any obligation to pay child support; or b. is under such an obligation and is in good standing with respect to that obligation; or c. has agreed to a payment plan with the Vermont Office of Child Support Services and is in full compliance with that plan. Party makes this statement with regard to support owed to any and all children residing in Vermont. In addition, if the Party is a resident of Vermont, Party makes this statement with regard to support owed to any and all children residing in any other state or territory of the United States.