Provincial Minister means the member of the Cabinet of the Province of Western Cape responsible for local government;
Provincial Council means a council established for a non-metropolitan province in terms of section 269 of the Constitution;
provincial director means the provincial director as defined in regulation 1 of the General Administrative Regulations, 2003;
provincial legislation means legislation contemplated in section 10 of the Act promulgated by the Province;
Local Resident means Washington laborers, workers, or me- chanics receiving an hourly wage who live within fifty miles of the project being constructed unless the project is being constructed in a rural county, then it is defined as Washington workers who live within two hundred miles of the project.
Provincial Government The Government of the Province of [●].
Foreign nonprofit corporation means an entity:
Commonwealth Citizen means any person who has the status of a Commonwealth citizen under the British Nationality Act 1981, not covered by the ‘UK Nationality’ definition above. This includes British Dependent Territories citizens (other than Gibraltarians), British Overseas citizens, and from 1986 those persons in the category British National (Overseas).
Canada means the ten provinces of Canada, the Yukon Territory, the Districts and Islands comprising the Northwest Territories of Canada and Nunavut.
Federal Aid Contract” is any contract between the Texas Department of Transportation and a Provider which is paid for in whole or in part with U. S. Department of Transportation (DOT) financial assistance.
Ontario Health means the corporation without share capital under the name Ontario Health as continued under the CCA;
Revenue Commissioners means the Revenue Commissioners of Ireland;
Irish Resident means any person Resident in Ireland or Ordinarily Resident in Ireland for tax purposes;
foreign national means the following:
local municipality means a municipality that shares municipal executive and legislative authority in its area with a district municipality within whose area it falls, and which is described in section 155(1) of the Constitution as a category B municipality;
Local means physically located in the same ILEC Local Exchange Area as defined by the ILEC Local (or “General”) Exchange Tariff on file with the applicable state Commission or regulatory agency; or physically located within neighboring ILEC Local Exchange Areas that are within the same common mandatory local calling area. This includes but is not limited to, mandatory Extended Area Service (EAS), mandatory Extended Local Calling Service (ELCS), or other types of mandatory expanded local calling scopes.
State means a state of the United States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the United States Virgin Islands, or any territory or insular possession subject to the jurisdiction of the United States.
Provincial Officer means any person designated in writing by the Minister as a provincial officer pursuant to section 5 of the OWRA or section 5 of the EPA or section 17 of PA;
ordinarily resident means a person who actually lives and has lived continuously within the community council’s geographic territory as described in its MNO Community Charter Agreement for at least one (1) month immediately prior to the date of the community council’s election announcement. Such person must have a permanent residence (i.e. address) within the community council’s geographic area. In making such determination, temporary absences from the community for reasons such as travel, education, medical treatment, military service or incarceration shall be considered periods of residence provided the person was ordinarily resident prior to such temporary absence. Such person can have only one place of ordinary residence.
Tax Legislation means all statutes, statutory instruments, orders, enactments, laws, by-laws, directives and regulations, whether domestic or foreign decrees, providing for or imposing any Tax.
local community means any community of people living or having rights or interests in a distinct geographical area;
Cayman Companies Act means the Companies Act (As Revised) of the Cayman Islands.
Foreign with respect to an entity, means governed as to its internal affairs by the law of a jurisdiction other than this state.
the Commonwealth Act means the legislation of the Commonwealth Parliament by which this agreement is authorized to be executed by or on behalf of the Commonwealth;
Indian means a person who is a member of an Indian Tribe. If the Contractor has reason to doubt that a person seeking employment preference is an Indian, the contractor shall grant the preference but shall require the individual within thirty (30) days to provide evidence from the Tribe concerned that the person is a member of that Tribe.
Tax Act means the Income Tax Act (Canada) and the regulations thereunder, as amended from time to time;