Provisioning Information definition
Examples of Provisioning Information in a sentence
Section 3.8 - Ordering and Provisioning Information Exhibit A New Y Y L Disaster Recover Plan 7-Billing & Billing Accuracy Certification 1 6/8/99 N Version 2Q99 Attachment Name/Number Section Number Version Date No Devia- tion Deviation Deviation Affect Compliance Y/N If Compliance Item, Priority H/M/L If Deviation, enter Paragraph No. And Brief Description of Deviation.
Each Service Order will be accompanied by the information set forth in the section of Exhibit B titled Provisioning Information (the “Provisioning Information”) either as part of an online Service Order or in another format agreed by the Parties if online Service Orders are not utilized.
Reseller represents and warrants that all such Provisioning Information submitted to SFDC will be true and correct and agrees to certify the same in writing and to provide to SFDC copies of the documentation underlying the Provisioning Information (provided that Reseller may redact information from Reseller Customer orders, including the identity of the applicable Customer), periodically upon written request by SFDC.
Service Bulletins Ground Support Equipment Data Provisioning Information Component Maintenance/Overhaul Manuals and Index Publications Index Product Support Supplier Directory CS1-4 P.A. No. 2021 21 ENGINE ESCALATION, ENGINE WARRANTY AND PATENT INDEMNITY between THE BOEING COMPANY and ATLAS AIR, INC.
Customer also consents for itself and as agent for its contacts whose details have been provided as part of the Provisioning Information to the use by Veritas of that Personal Information for the purposes of informing Customer of Veritas products and services which may be of interest to Customer and account management.
Correlating this with the Provisioning Information that is generated during the Fulfillment process (Provisioning information) enables partitioning of the Fault information for a circuit or customer.
Milwaukee understand and agree that no clause, term, or condition of this Agreement shall be construed to supersede the lawful powers or duties of either party.
Each Service Order submitted via the Channel Order App must include the Provisioning Information.
These elements — Provisioning, Information Management, use of Standards and Privacy Management — were all scored reasonably low in the architecture rankings, but all received reasonably high scores from the officers.
No liability is fixed on the paying bank, for delay, if any, at its end.