Data Source Annual Fiscal Audit Report, Terms of Debt, Other Formal Notifications Received by School. Exceeds Standard The school has met standard for at least 3 consecutive years. Approaches Standard The school experienced one or more instances of minor default during the fiscal year (such as making late payments); however, the school is not currently in default of any financial obligations. Does Not Meet Standard School is currently in default of financial obligations.
PSP or “PSPs” means the State’s IT Policies, Standards and Procedures. “SSAE” means Statement on Standards for Attestation Engagements.
Part 70 Source means any source subject to the permitting requirements of R307-415.
Google means the Google Entity that is party to the Agreement.
Primary Source means the Screen Page specified as such in the applicable Pricing Supplement and (in the case of any Screen Page provided by any information service other than the Reuters Monitor Money Rates Service (“Reuters”)) agreed to by the Agent Bank;
Approved Source means Cisco or a Cisco authorized reseller, distributor or systems integrator.
Virtual source means a point from which radiation appears to originate.
Account Information Service Provider means a payment service provider pursuing business activities as referred to in point (8) of Annex I;
SAP Group Software means (i) any and all software products listed on the Price List as well as any SAP SDK which are provided by SAP or any other member of the SAP Group to Partner or to an End User (either directly or indirectly via Partner) under any part of this Agreement all as developed by or for the SAP Group; (ii) any new releases, updates or versions thereof made available through unrestricted shipment pursuant to Maintenance Services or warranty obligation by any member of the SAP Group; and (iii) any complete or partial copies of any of the foregoing.
Electronic Programme Guide or “EPG” means a program guide maintained by the Distributors of Television Channels that lists Television Channels and programmes, and scheduling and programming information therein and includes any enhanced guide that allows subscribers to navigate and select such available channels and programmes;
Online Services Terms means the additional terms that apply to Customer’s use of Online Services published on the Licensing Site and updated from time to time.
New sources means pervious and impervious urban land uses served by the MS4 developed or redeveloped on or after July 1, 2009.
Xxxxxx Mae Guides The Xxxxxx Xxx Xxxxxxx’ Guide and the Xxxxxx Mae Servicers’ Guide and all amendments or additions thereto.
Software Program means the software program used by a Fund for providing Fund and account balance information including net asset value per share. Such Program may include the Lion System. In situations where the Lion System or any other Software Program used by a Fund is not available, such information may be provided by telephone. The Lion System shall be provided to Insurance Company at no charge.
Xxxxxx Mae Guide The Xxxxxx Xxx Single Family Seller/Servicer Guide and all amendments or additions thereto.
SAP Software means: (i) any and all software products and Cloud Services licensed to Customer under the License Agreement as specified in software order forms or Cloud Service Order Forms (or other order forms, schedules or appendices as applicable) thereto; (ii) any new releases, updates or versions thereof made available through unrestricted shipment pursuant to the respective support agreement or warranty obligation and (iii) any complete or partial copies of any of the foregoing.
New source means any building, structure, facility or installation from which there is or may be a discharge of pollutants, the construction of which commenced after the publication of proposed pretreatment standards under Section 307(c) of the Act which will be applicable to such source if such standards are thereafter promulgated in accordance with that Section provided that:
Fxxxxx Mae Guides The Fxxxxx Mxx Selling Guide and the Fxxxxx Mae Servicing Guide and all amendments or additions thereto.
Major source means any stationary source (or any group of stationary sources that are located on one or more contiguous or adjacent properties, and are under common control of the same person [or persons under common control]) belonging to a single major industrial grouping and that are described in subsection (A), (B), or (C) of this definition. For the purposes of defining “major source,” a stationary source or group of stationary sources shall be considered part of a single industrial grouping if all of the pollutant emitting activities at such source or group of sources on contiguous or adjacent properties belong to the same Major Group (i.e., all have the same two-digit code) as described in the Standard Industrial Classification Manual, 1987.
Minor source means any source which is not defined as a major source in Chapter 2.
Regulatory Information Service means any information service authorised from time to time by the FCA for the purpose of disseminating regulatory announcements;
Company Content means all editorial content, graphics, data, and information contained in the Report or on the Website, any portion thereof, including the selection, coordination, and arrangement of the editorial content, graphics, data, and information on the Website, and the hierarchy of the Website.
Microsoft means Microsoft Corporation.
Sole Source means a contractor providing goods or services of such a unique nature or sole availability at the location required that the contractor is clearly and justifiably the only practicable source to provide the goods or services. (RCW 39.26.010)
Company Source Code means, collectively, any software source code or confidential manufacturing specifications or designs, any material portion or aspect of software source code or confidential manufacturing specifications or designs, or any material proprietary information or algorithm contained in or relating to any software source code or confidential manufacturing specifications or designs, of any Company-Owned Intellectual Property or Company Products.
Merchant Network Upgrades means additions to, or modifications or replacements of, physical facilities of the Interconnected Transmission Owner that, on the date of the pertinent Transmission Interconnection Customer’s Upgrade Request, are part of the Transmission System or are included in the Regional Transmission Expansion Plan.