Examples of Physical activity in a sentence
Physical activity has been shown to improve metabolic control and the overall quality of life (QoL) of both childhood and adult cancer survivors, such as decreasing anxiety and fatigue while increasing body image and self-esteem (21-25).
By enrolling at our College, students and parents/caregivers, agree to abide by Varsity College’s policies and procedures, located on the College website, which include but are not limited to: ▪ Student Code of Conduct ▪ Homework Policy ▪ Assessment Policy ▪ Attendance Policy ▪ Complaints Policy ▪ Media Consent ▪ Mobile Phone Policy ▪ Technology Agreement (Year P-6) ▪ One2One Contract (Year 7-12) Physical activity and physical education, particularly contact sports, carry inherent risks of injury.
Physical activity is recommended to decrease the risk of future cardiovascular disease and increase the quality of life of childhood cancer survivors (22, 24, 25).
Physical activity has often been captured via observation or activity logs but these can be expensive or lead to bias (22-25, 27, 28).