Examples of Public library service in a sentence
Public library service established under this section may be discontinued by action of the city council or the school board upon one year's notice to the other party.Subd.
Public library service in Nova Scotia as outlined in the Libraries Act (chapter 254 of the Revised Statues, 1989) is provided jointly by the Province of Nova Scotia and the local municipalities, in this case, the Cape Breton Regional Municipality and Victoria County.
Post-Audit Workshop Three major themes emerged from the data: ❑ Reader development and basic skills ❑ Cross-sectoral partnerships ❑ The Public library service - its basic skills provision.
Public library service and various Government, and other, reviews have been published over many years continuing to support this basic concept.
Academically rigorous learning expeditions, case studies, projects, fieldwork, and service learning inspire students to think and work as professionals do, contributing high-quality work to authentic audiences beyond the classroom.
As stated in § 33-2702(6), Idaho Code, "Public library service" means the provision of planned collections of materials and information services provided by a library established under the provisions of Chapter 26 or 27, Title 33, Idaho Code, and paid for primarily through tax support provided under these statutes.
Public library service is generally free of charge, but some libraries charge a nominal fee.
It must sit within the context of state and local government respective policy frameworks and priorities.• Public library service and infrastructure planning forms part of the integrated planning framework within each council.
As indicated, only three of the institutions, DOA, SCHS and Nevis Public library service have some form of contacts or links with experts in external institutions such as universities, research institutions, which are primary repositories of agricultural information and knowledge.
Public library service prototype design and workshop (Months 26–36: Nov.